View Full Version : REVIT 2010 Massing - Auto Triangulation issue

2009-06-29, 07:14 AM
Like everyone else out there, I am in a love-hate relationship with the new massing tool in 2010. At first glance, I thought it can accomodate work flow similar to Skethchup in terms of rectalinear form findings (we don't do curvy twist form all the time). But I spotted an issue:

We can get auto-triangulation edges on the top of most polygonal "extrusion" or should I say "loft" form by simply pulling the vertices. When I say most of them, that excludes the commonly used "Rectangle". See my attached images, after pulling two vertices on the top of both polygonal shapes, the rectangle face did not receive an triangulated edges automatically. It won't even let me manually add edge to that surface neither.

Is this a bug or more a mathematical properties of the form creation methodology?

2009-06-29, 12:08 PM
I bumped into it... it is not a bug. You have to manually draw the line if you want to split the face.

I think this is why they do not call it a "triangulation" engine.

The purpose here is not to triangulate every face that hasn't got all it's vertex coplanar, like, say in a topography surface, but rather for the engine to "construct" geometry based on the information it get's from you.

Since it does not "get" any line from you it thinks that you do not want it, so it does not triangulate.

The second example you give "works" because the engine does not know how to create a ruled surface with 5 edges, so it triangulates to "make" what you want happen.

The first example does not "work" because between:

4 lines, all vertex coplanar
4 lines, NOT (all vertex coplanar) complex surface
4 lines, NOT (all vertex coplanar) resulting in triangulation

another mathematical possibility takes precedence.