View Full Version : Is there a way to schedule wall height?

jj mac
2009-06-29, 01:48 PM
Does anyone know of a way you can add "Unconnected Height" into a wall in a schedule, either by default or using a calculated value... The parameter does not appear to be showing up, unless I am seriously overlooking it...

Scott Womack
2009-06-29, 01:57 PM
The only way I am aware of is via a calculated parameter, of dividing the are by the length. This does not appear to be a parameter that is available to the user.

Andre Carvalho
2009-06-29, 01:57 PM
You can't. You can use formulas, but that won't give you the accurate height, though.

Andre Carvalho

jj mac
2009-06-29, 02:12 PM
Awesome, thanks Scott... Pretty basic reverse thinking I guess! Seems to work pretty well and it appears to be pretty accurate for the most part...

Some of my lengths and area's have disappeared from the schedule though... Andre is that what you meant when you said it's not accurate?

Andre Carvalho
2009-06-29, 02:42 PM
Andre is that what you meant when you said it's not accurate?

No. What I meant is by using the formula Area / Length it works great as long as you don't have any openings (doors, windows, etc.) in your walls. Adding openings to your wall, will subtract their areas from the wall area, thus screwing your calculations, even if the wall height is still the same...

Andre Carvalho

2009-06-29, 02:42 PM
you should just be able to put in a parameter that you can fill in manually. this wont be the most efficient weay of doing since it wont be parametric, but it will get you what you are looking for in the schedule.

2009-06-29, 02:43 PM
It will not be anywhere near accurate unless you have no doors or windows. The reported wall area takes into account any openings in the wall. So if you divide that by the length, the reported value will be less than your actual wall height.

*edit* wow 3 posts in nearly the same moment. Andre beat me to it. ;)

jj mac
2009-06-29, 02:47 PM
Makes perfect sense guys... I guess this a proceed with caution item.

Thanks for the replies

Don Sutherland
2009-06-29, 05:07 PM
If you set your cut plane above the top of the wall, you can do a spot elevation to the top of the wall and adjust the cut plan back to the normal cut elevation. I have done this to show the top of wall height on the floor plan.

2010-03-30, 11:35 AM
I've been trying to do the same thing - schedule walls' heights. Results are pretty much identical with things that have been already said in this thread.
One thing I realized is how Revit calculates things. Example: wall volumes. It multiplies wall's area with it's width. Sounds good, but the value of the area parameter is not simple length*height. As area parameter is supposed to be used in schedules of areas to be painted, finishes etc. so its value is a difference between mathematical area, and area shared with other walls. This is ok for me, but using this modified parameter to calculate volume is in my opinion a mistake. It obviously affects the schedules.
I came up to this when trying to create calculated value in wall schedule to get the wall height.
I knew that areas were not good, so I thought of value=volume/length/width. Same spoiled results because volume is not length*width*height, its width*area.
I think its something worth knowing.


cliff collins
2010-03-30, 02:23 PM
Perhaps the new parameter feature in Revit 2011 will solve this?


Scott Womack
2010-03-30, 07:51 PM
Perhaps the new parameter feature in Revit 2011 will solve this?


Unfortunately, no. The new reporting parameters, can only be placed within non-system families.


cliff collins
2010-03-30, 07:54 PM
It was a good theory, anyway!


2010-03-31, 06:55 AM
Does this same inability apply to reporting the height of curtain walls? The firm I've been thrown into want to treat sections of curtain wall as window sets - and include elevations of them in a types drawing alongside their (more standard) windows.

They're not wanting to do the whole mullion/panel tagging and scheduling, just the wall, so I'm using a wall schedule filtered-by-type and using callout elevations of each section placed alongside our "dummy window wall" showing the standard windows.

BUT as per the OP's original thread starter - I can't get the height for the (curtain) wall in the wall schedule... Of course, we could just dim it, but it does seem like a bit of a WTF!YN?

2010-03-31, 08:14 AM
If you set your cut plane above the top of the wall, you can do a spot elevation to the top of the wall and adjust the cut plan back to the normal cut elevation. I have done this to show the top of wall height on the floor plan.

Nice work around. I generally show wall heights in section, or on the room tag for flat/trussed roofs. I am however only working on small residential projects so don't have many to annotate.

Keep up the good suggestions!

Scott Womack
2010-03-31, 10:24 AM
Does this same inability apply to reporting the height of curtain walls? .......BUT as per the OP's original thread starter - I can't get the height for the (curtain) wall in the wall schedule...

Wall heights (and curtainwalls since they are a subset of walls) cannot have their height scheduled. I believe this is at least in part due to the ability to unlock a portion of the top, and/or bottom of a wall, and drag it above and/or below the remainder of the wall. Due to this what height would be reported? This means you could unlock the top of the studs, and the bottom of the brick, extending both several feet beyond the remainder of the wall? Since Revit is not fully aware of the "layers" of the wall in a true architectural sense, it might only report the height of the total extents of the wall. This in all likelihood is NOT what most people would want. Also, since both the top and bottom of a wall can be extended beyond the "level" the wall is set on, I believe that is why we cannot get the Level the wall is on either.

I am NOT defending this, just providing my perception of the issue. I too would like to see at least the height and level of walls made available.

2010-03-31, 03:21 PM
When you export the model to a DB (via ODBC ou RDBLINK), you get the UnconnectedHeight of the walls, the unavailable parameter inside revit that you want.
Using RDBLINK, you can insert that UnconnectedHeight value back into a shared parameter for scheduling.
I know that this is far from perfect and there are no live updates in this method, but it's the easiest way without programming.