View Full Version : imperial

2009-06-29, 01:54 PM
I can't help but wondering why Revit is build upon the imperial system under water.... (or so it seems)

take a look at this link, notice the very small percentage of grey on this map

Combine that with this reading


( I guess Autodesk is not a major company????)

Take a look at the screenshot below. It's another thing I ran into when I was working with Revit. Notice the 9144000mm ? That's a strange figure. What if I convert this to imperial. (try it yourself with google) guess what, it is exactly 10000 yards.......

Please why did the makers of Revit start out with the imperial system when they started fresh in 2000? (or so it seems)

Also the EMIA market (That's Autodesk terminology for Europe, middle east, India and Africa) are bigger then the America's (so marketshare is no argument)

This post is not suppost to start a flaming war between one system or another. I just posted it because I was really wondering why Revit does this.

2009-06-29, 02:35 PM
I'll fire the first salvo from the Imperial Fleet.

Metric is soooo boring. It's all 10's and decimal places. Where's the challenge in that? The Metric system is for sissies who can't do math.

I measure speed not in Miles per Hour, but Furlongs per Forenight, just to tick people off.

All joking aside... It's probably because the product was initiated in the US where the construction industry has never adopted the Metric System. Right or wrong, it is what it is.

2009-06-29, 02:50 PM
Because this is America, and Americans are stubborn as #$&%$^! :p

But seriously, that 30,000 foot limitation is pretty absurd I must say. The whole deal with Revit not liking things more than a mile from the origin is pretty aggravating.