View Full Version : New Siding on Existing Walls

2004-11-03, 03:41 AM
I am trying for the first time phasing. I would like to show new siding on existing walls.
This occurs when I do a remodel of an existing house and want to show new siding on the existing exterior walls. So when you view the exteior elevations all of the siding appears new instead of existing default gray.

Any ideas or is this even possible?


2004-11-03, 03:45 AM
You cannot assign a phase to a wall finish.

You could maybe build a new wall in the new construction phase that is just a sliding wall. But it won't allow existing door and windows to correctly cut in.

You could demolish the existing wall and replace with a new wall complete with siding, but then you would need new windows and doors for that wall.

Easy solution, just paint the siding onto the wall in the new construction views.

2004-11-03, 08:26 PM
Yeah, that's kinda of what I came too as well. Just paint it. Seems to work fine.

2004-11-03, 09:20 PM
I came across this situation recently. I ended up demo'ing the original wall and simply placing a copy of that wall in the new phase with the new siding in the same place. I had to fuss a bit with the phases and the view phase display settings, but it worked quite easily once I had it set up.

2004-11-03, 09:30 PM
What I do for projects that require addition of a new brick veneer on an existing wall is create a brick veneer wall type and draw the new walls along the edge of the existing walls. Then use the Join Geometry tool on the existing and new wall and any component such as doors or windows will also cut the new wall.