View Full Version : Parallel chord truss

2009-06-30, 11:12 PM
I have created a parallel chord truss. For some reason when I load it into the project I can’t see the web members – only the top & btm chord.
I am using RST2009.
Any suggestions on what I have done wrong would be appreciated.


2009-07-01, 03:08 AM
Your family works when I load it into a new project, Not too keen on the way you have it setup though... as it isnt really parametric and will only work for a certain length

If you have modified the family after you have already modelled it in your project, revit will often not update the truss. Firstly try resetting the truss, if that doesnt work I would reccomend deleting the truss and remodelling.



2009-07-01, 03:15 AM

Your webbing comes in fine, but the real issue how you've setup the outside area's wheere you have a fixed area limited by a single vertical element on either side. I would break this up into 3 areas that all connect into a single top and bottom chord.

This is what I get at the moment.

2009-07-01, 03:55 AM
Re-consider your design

2009-07-02, 11:22 PM
Thanks for your input.
This is a bit frustrating.
I have set up one panel using ref. lines. I then added my diagonal web members. When I try flexing it (changing Panel Width and Hight) it works OK. BUT when I add it to a group - it stuff up the restraints.
I have added my family but ungrouped.


2009-07-03, 02:45 AM

This is the biggest issue (groups I mean) I have had to which why for most truss issues (which seem to be the main theme at the moment I used complex truss families, I only really use the truss for quick instance non parametric based items as it can do some really aweseme stuff quickly but without any constraints or parametrics. The families don't like planes an lines espeically in a grouped environment.