View Full Version : Familes not scheduling within room schedules

Kenny Gee
2009-07-01, 11:02 PM
Ive got a scene with a heap of rooms with alot of families placed throughout. Ive then generated a family schedule and found there is a bunch of families that are not scheduling within the room they are placed in...... Ive checked the room boundary etc so I'm not sure what is happening??????

Can any1 help

Kenny Gee
2009-07-02, 07:09 AM
Anyone?? Please.........

2009-07-02, 12:50 PM
A few questions:
Are they user-made families? If so you should check their parameters.
Are they light fixtures? If so you have to make sure the light source is within the room.
Have you checked the room's volume in 2 directions?

Kenny Gee
2009-07-02, 02:22 PM
A few questions:
Are they user-made families? If so you should check their parameters.
Yes, all custom made

Are they light fixtures? If so you have to make sure the light source is within the room.
No, all my lights are scheduling correctly

Have you checked the room's volume in 2 directions?
Yes, I've even extended above an beyond for testing. No difference.....

Ive made most of the items so I figured that they are generated correctly. I cant see anything abnormal with them......alittle frustrating!!!!!!

Andre Carvalho
2009-07-02, 04:02 PM
The families that aren't showing on the schedule, are they close to the edges of the room? You have to make sure that you have the geometric center of your family inside the boundaries of the room.

Andre Carvalho

2011-03-14, 12:18 AM
I know this is an old post but I thought some additional info. surrounding this topic might be of benefit.

I've been asked to generate a plumbing fixture schedule that identifies the fixtures by specific room. I've created the schedule with a Room: Name field and like KG some of the custom families are not seeing the room designations. These particular objects are floor based. When I check the room boundary settings (mouse over room name>tab once>select X-box) the properties dialog indicates the Base Offset = 0’-0” it’s not until I push the Base Offset down below -1’-0” to -1’-1” that the floor based families properly see the room they are in and schedule properly.

In doing this I discovered that the base offset has to be equal to or less than the floor thickness minus 1’-0” so a 4” concrete slab has to have the Base Offset of the Room boundary set to -1’-4” or less (since we are into negatives that might be -1’-5”).

So the resulting question is where is the 1’-0” coming from? Upon investigating the families the default floor thickness in the floor based family is 1’-0”. So you would think changing this value to something less than 1’-0” would change the resulting value in the project. It doesn’t.

This offset is unique to each Room Boundary so you have to do a select all (Select room boundary>type SA) and change them simultaneously. Area & Volume Computations (under the Home Tab>Room & Area drop down) don’t appear to give you global control of this value. I would be interested in hearing if there is such a control that I’m not finding.

This also raises the question of the Base Offset value affecting room volume computations.

The only reason I can see for having a Base Offset for defining a room would be if you had a step down area of a room like a sunken living area or bathing area, which points out Revit’s shortcomings in computing this boundary buy giving only a planar offset. Regardless you need to be spatially aware of the structural thickness of your room when using the Room Name parameter in your schedules, specifically the floor.

Any other recommendations for simplifying (automating) this manual approach to adjusting Revit’s Room Boundary definitions would be a welcome comment here.

Ning Zhou
2011-03-14, 02:14 PM
worst of all, it doesn't work even manually if you directly drag blue arrow instead of typing number in Base Offset.