View Full Version : purchasing revit..advise please...

2009-07-03, 10:01 PM
hi all, i'm new to forums and looking to purchase revit.

I just have one question. Since revit is so expensive and i need it for my work, i' looking to go down the route of a 36month payment plan, interest free with my revit dealer. My father is going to purchase the software for me on on the plan, since the terms state that you have to have been in business for 3years minimum (stupid!). Therefore my father will set up the credit in his name, with my bank account paying

Anyway what i wanted to check was is it ok for him to purchase it (technically, even though i will be paying for it) and then give it to me to install and register?....am i right in thinking that the software is not licensed to anyone until it is installed, run, activated and registered?

many thanks in advance

2009-07-03, 11:48 PM

i basically just need to know that if you buy the software, is it when you register and activate it that the license details are entered and it is only the person/company that registers it that can use it and not sell it on, etc.

i suppose another good example is if it was bought as a present for someone, is it the person who actually buys it who owns it or the person its given too?

very confusing...lol...thanks again..

2009-07-04, 12:17 AM
The purchaser and the user can be different people. It is only registered when you activate the software. That happens every time you install it.

2009-07-04, 12:21 AM
Actually, I don't think Autodesk allows you to give software as a present. There is a registered owner and that is the person who bought the license. Owning Autodesk software is really an illusion because it your are not allowed to sell it. These are questions your dealer should be answering. I could be totally wrong!

2009-07-04, 12:53 AM
thanks for the reply..

well it wont be a present, its only an example. My dad is basically taking on the credit for the 36month payment plan. I spoke to one sales man who said that anyone can buy the software, its when you install it for the first time and activate and register it that it becomes that persons only and noone elses.

my dad is just helping me out since i'm only just starting up and can't afford to pay the full amount, but the credit is only available to businesses who have been operating for over 3 years (which really helps...!). So i'll be paying for it and using it and will register it when installed in my name.....if that all makes sense!...i also wont be buying the subscription.

2009-07-04, 11:31 AM
If you went to the bank and borrowed the money it wouldn't be an issue. The fact that your dad wants to give or loan you the money is of no consequence to Autodesk as far as I can see it. If your really concerned about the legality of it send an email to Autodesk for a definitive answer.

2009-07-04, 01:03 PM
I believe it get's registered by Autodesk to the person it is sold to. If it is sold to your father, he will appear as the owner of the program in their records. When you install the program, you only activate the license, you cannot change who appears as the owner in the Autodesk records from when the purchase order was made.

I spoke to one sales man who said that anyone can buy the software, its when you install it for the first time and activate and register it that it becomes that persons only and noone elses.

It might depend where the software is bought. If it is bought at a box at a store or through an authorized Autodesk reseller. If it is bought through the Autodesk reseller they register the purchaser info once the order is placed. I was told that Revit required 1 year subscription when I purchased it. When the program finally arrived, it had a serial number that is already registered to the purchaser.