View Full Version : Generic Structural Model Cuts in Section but not in plan views

2009-07-06, 03:08 PM
We've built a structural model of a sloped column with a concrete base that is 3 floors tall. The structural column contains a tapered cone at both the top and bottom of the column. We built the column along with the base as one structural column component. We loaded this family into our project and created a grouped array. All of the columns were tied together with tube steel bracing member which we had to essentially eyeball into place. When a section is cut through the building both the bracing members and columns are cut correctly. However in plan view the entire column model along with the bracing are visible regardless of the floor plan. The only exception to this is the bracing. The bracing, since it was created on the second floor does not show up on the first floor (which is correct) however the bracing shows up completely up to the roof on both the second and third floors. I've searched several posts and read through Revit help in regards to family visibility control and have not found a solution that seems to work. I hope I haven't overlooked anything very simple. I've attached the family file along with several images of the model to explain the condition. Any help would be appreciated.


2009-07-06, 04:05 PM
Open the family, go to Settings>Family Category and Parameters> uncheck the box for "Show Family Pre-Cut in Plan Views." Now when you re-load into your project, the column should cut based on the plan view's cut plane.

2009-07-07, 11:09 AM
Thanks, we tried that method several times before and could not get it to work. We even started a brand new blank model, created some slabs and inserted the column in the new project. Same results.

2009-07-07, 11:32 AM
I believe I found the problem. It was in a setting that I have not paid too much attention to in the past. It looks like that in the Family Category and Parameters, structural columns there is a parameter labeled "show family pre cut in plan views". This parameter seems to be checked on by default. I checked that parameter off and it looks like it solved the problem.

I'm not sure I quite understand the wording of this parameter nor why for a generic structural column this parameter would be turned on by default.

Scott Womack
2009-07-07, 02:25 PM
That is what Cory was referring to in his post.

2009-07-08, 11:31 AM
Thanks for the help.

I apparently am not as good at reading comprehension as I thought. For some reason I had understood that he was talking about the visibility settings in the family editor. Not sure why.

Sal Napolitano