View Full Version : changing level heights

2009-07-06, 05:59 PM
i always forget. i need to move up my entire project, i want to specify a new height to one of my levels, im using "specify coordinate at point" and it dosnt seem to change my levels

2009-07-06, 07:50 PM
specify will only change the "shared" height. so if you pick on you level tag and change the properties to shared, you will see that value. If you really need to move the levels you actually have to move them up or down.

Scott Womack
2009-07-07, 10:18 AM
i always forget. i need to move up my entire project, i want to specify a new height to one of my levels, im using "specify coordinate at point" and it dosnt seem to change my levels

You need to be in an elevation view, and use, Relocate Project, then just pick a point, and tell the program how much up, or down you want the project to bee. Only levels set to Shared Parameters will reflect this change in elevation.

2009-07-15, 10:26 AM

I've just relocated my project as descripted by Scott, all fine in elevations and sections but the levels didnt get changed on the plans where I called up spot elevations...?

Did I miss something?

Thanks for any help.

Scott Womack
2009-07-15, 10:29 AM
You either have to chage the spot elevations to use shared level information (instead of "Project" level information) to get spot elevations to appear with the changed information. Levels, Spot Elevations, possible some schedules, and any other family reporting elvational information will also have to be changed as well.

2009-07-15, 11:11 AM
Thanks Scott,

I thought so in the first place but couldnt fine the setting, found it now.

Thanks again.

2009-07-15, 03:48 PM
One more question....I've just set up a pile schedule and it seems that the pile levels (i.e. elevation at bottom) still refer to the old levels (not the shared ones)

Is there a way of changing these as well?


2009-10-28, 07:55 PM
I am looking into this for similar reasons... We have a project levels on a job... Parking Garage with lots of levels and the building was flipped around and ramps changed... and now the original base level is no longer the base level We would like to move the building up to bring the level numbers to make clean sense again...

so here I am...

I found this post...

It looked like the perfect solution... but...

When you change back to Project levels the levels are still the old levels after I moved the project.... Also... If my project is set up have true site shared elevations to a greater location for a campus set up... with the dream of a campus site model were project link to their proper location so if they are adjoining or close together they land together... big picture planning here... big jobs... big plans...

So is there a way to change the project elevation... or is this just a way of pushing the projects location fully in it's shared location... and will it muck up my other plans?