View Full Version : Link Schedule/Inventory

2009-07-06, 08:08 PM
I have a PUD comprised of 93 homes (8 models w/ design options) and some common buildings, overall about 100 instance links. I want to create a "Unit Inventory Schedule". I created the schedule using fields from the RVT Link: catagory to get the name of the link, but when I try to add additional text fields to my schedule, the text doesn't show up on the schedule. Anybody have any idea what category the new parameter would need to be in, in order for it to show up? It would be nice to be able to schedule which design option each link was a part of and have it actually show up as a field in the schedule.


Scott Womack
2009-07-07, 10:21 AM
Each parameter needs to be a Shared Parameter, and may need to be loaded in at the Project level, and applied to those catagories you want it to be. I believe Design options require specific schedules pointed to that design option, and there may not be a way to schedule items in multiple design options, plus the main model in one schedule.

2009-07-07, 02:16 PM
Thanks Scott. What I am trying to do is, in the host file, show a list of each link instance along with the design option/design style they are part of (A-1, A-1, B-1, B-2, etc.) along with a text field showing a design color scheme. I was thinking I could add these parameters at the project level under Project Information but I need this information to be able to change with each instance of the link in the host file. I am using shared coordinates and locations, is there maybe a way to schedule locations along with the fields described above?


Scott Womack
2009-07-07, 02:24 PM
Not in an automated fashion. All you could do is create a Shared Parameter (I'll Call it Link Name) and make it apply to those items you want to schedule, and also place it in the Project Information catagory. Then you can edit this in each file, by editing project information, and it will fill out for all those items in that link. In the main file you are scheduling from, don't add it to the project info catagory, but just the scheduled items catagories, and the schedule. Now you should be able to get that info into a schedule.

2009-07-07, 02:43 PM
You also wont get it to schedule the design options, because the design options for each Linked instance is view dependant in your host file. I wrote a long post on this in my blog.

For instance: Youre stipulating "Link Instance 2" is using "Design option 3" across the board in your host file... But its not. It is using DO3 in any view that has it set to DO3 under the VG:RVT:Link:Design Options tab, or in every view (If DO3 is primary in the linked model).

There is no ONE place you can change the DO to 3, and have it always be three in the host file... Unless DO3 is Primary. It feels a little *unBIM* the way DO's work across Linked Files, but (sadly) i can see why its done this way...

HYPOTHETICALLY: You could put an object in each model, in each Design Option, and have it contain a Shared Parameter that schedules "listing" the design option. Then in your host project, make a schedule of that pbjects catagory (check box for include Linked files elements... bottom left) go in to the Schedules VG and make sure all of the Link Instances are set to the correct config of DO's. Then, in theory- and if you have all of the elements in the correct DO's and have all of the corresponding text parameters correctly manually input), it will list all of your options.