View Full Version : 2010 Detail Lines

2009-07-08, 04:14 PM
Is this a bug new to 2010? I draw four lines in a rectangular shape. 2 are one type and the other 2 are a different type. I could have sworn that in 2009 I could select all 4 and change the type to all the same. I do that in 2010 and nothing happens, they all stay the same type they were before.

Scott Womack
2009-07-08, 04:22 PM
Mine works just fine.

2009-07-08, 04:39 PM
It does this every once in awhile. I just tried it again and it didn't cause me a problem.

It's that Second Man syndrome, that when someone else does it or watches it works fine. This happens all the time in AutoCAD.