View Full Version : Black Screen

2009-07-10, 04:23 AM
I try to do some families in Revit 2010. Once i was in the middle of operation then i zoom in-zoom out the drawing using my scroll mouse, its always got an error and the screen became BLACK. Is this a problem on hardware? I have 1.7 dual core processor, 2 gig of ram. Anyone can help about this?


2009-07-10, 05:44 AM
Hi fjtdogeno,

I would think that this is almost certainly a video card problem. There are quite a few threads on the forum detailing the various problems people have had with 2010 and some video cards (most notably, but not exclusively Nvidia).

The first advice always is to check if your driver is the most latest version. If not, download and upgrade the driver. This may fix the problem. Additionally, turn off Hardware Acceleration & see if this helps.

