View Full Version : How do you changing a wall based family into a face based one

2009-07-12, 11:45 AM
Hi i have a wall based hook that i want to turn into fase based hook ive tried cutting and pasting it into the face based template but it will not let me do it. the reason for not just drawing it is that it has a tricky part that i have no idea how to reprojuce. It is circular tube that follows a path

Mike Sealander
2009-07-12, 11:48 AM
I think you're stuck, but try dissociating the part from any reference planes it might be tied to.

Gadget Man
2009-07-13, 05:21 AM
If it's just a circular tube following a path (a sweep) than:

1) Open the original (wall based) family for editing
2) In the same instance of Revit start a new face based generic family
3) In the original family highlight the hook geometry and go to edit the sweep
4) Edit the profile and note the circle's radius
5) Edit the sweep path and select all the path pieces
6) Press <CTRL> <C> (copy into the clipboard)
7) Go to the new family file
8 ) Start new geometry by the same method the original was done (sweep)
9) Edit path
10) Press <CTRL> <V> (paste from clipboard)
11) Your original path should appear in the new family
12) Position it as needed, finish sketch
13) Sketch profile using the radius from the original family.
14) Finish sketch, finish sweep and finish family

This should do a trick... By the way, the method described is for Revit 2009 or earlier - in 2010 I have no idea, since the solid creation method apparently has changed and I still don't use it...

I hope this works for you - right now I am not in front of Revit and I am writing it from memory...