View Full Version : Room Tags in Design Options

2004-11-04, 05:09 PM
When I place room tags in differing options in the same option set, Revit returns an "option conflict" error message.

Please advise.

Mr Spot
2004-11-05, 03:10 AM
Is there an echo in this room?? (mod note...not anymore...extra post deleted)

I assume the room is tagged both within the design options and in the current model? I suggest only tagging it in the current model and then when switching design options permanently you can fix the room tags...

If you create a room schedule you will see the errors and which rooms they relate to and be able to fix it. Also a room may still have a reference even without being tagged. When you delete a tag always select delete room when the popup comes up...

2004-11-05, 04:35 AM
When I place room tags in differing options in the same option set, Revit returns an "option conflict" error message.

Please advise.

Please be more specific about what the situation is, what you are trying to accomplish, and what the error message is telling you. In particular:
- Is there an active option when you are placing the room tag?
- Are there any other room tags in the same space, and are they in options or the main model?
- Does the size or shape of the space differ in the different options?
- Are you using the options to investigate different room properties (e.g., occupant) for the same geometry, or to investigate different geometry?
- What is the exact error message, and does it indicate a particular bunch of tags that conflict?

2004-11-05, 12:55 PM
(Thanks for the echo help)

Since I am showing all design options to the client, all of the rooms need to be tagged in all of the options. Therefore I am attempting to tag them in the option edit mode.

The first design option that I tag works. All additional attempts to tag rooms in other options of the same option set return the error message.

Are you suggesting that Revit can only properly tag rooms in one option of an option set at a time?

2004-11-05, 01:04 PM
I am trying to develop and present various design options for a project to a client including properly annotated (tagged) rooms. The error message displays "option conflict".

Yes there is an active option when I am placing the tag. All of the rooms need to be tagged in all of the options. Therefore I am attempting to tag them in the option edit mode.

Yes the rooms in the differing options share at least part of the same space.

Yes the size and shape of the same rooms in the different options differ.

I am using different options to investigate different designs spatially. Room properties, no.

The exact error message is "option conflict".

2004-11-08, 11:23 PM
does anybody have any ideas?

2004-11-09, 12:50 PM
I am trying to develop and present various design options for a project to a client including properly annotated (tagged) rooms. The error message displays "option conflict".

Yes there is an active option when I am placing the tag. All of the rooms need to be tagged in all of the options. Therefore I am attempting to tag them in the option edit mode.

Yes the rooms in the differing options share at least part of the same space.

Yes the size and shape of the same rooms in the different options differ.

I am using different options to investigate different designs spatially. Room properties, no.

The exact error message is "option conflict".
I cannot recreate this error on a current project of mine that has options.

You should insert room tags in the rooms that are affected by your option.
In the main model, you should insert room tags in the rooms not affected by the options.

Then to print, change the status of your primary option. Go to the design options dialog box. Select and optino, and under the "option" buttons, select "make primary". THis will make the option display as the primary option without deleting the others. Print your drawings and then change the primary option and print again.


2004-11-09, 02:53 PM
There are different Option Conflict messages, usually they contain suggestion on action 'what to do', like:
1. "Warning: Option Conflict between rooms.
Room boundary differs from the apparent boundary in view 'Name'.To resolve, divide space with Room Separation Lines in the Main Model."

This warning is posted in situations when view visibility shows different boundary from room detection, as example, displaying walls in secondary option in other option set. Remember that boundary of the room in secondary option consists from room-bounding elements in main model, current option, and primary options of other option sets.

2. "Warning: Option Conflict between Rooms.
Room boundary in the Main Model differs from the apparent boundary in View 'Name'.
To resolve, select the Main Model Room Tag and use the Add to Design Option Set command."

This warning is posted when there is tag in main model and in secondary option are in same space. Rooms in main model are counted in schedules of secondary options, so this is needed to avoid double counting.

Other warnings also contain explanation and receipt:

3. "Warning: Option Conflict between Rooms.
Room in Option 'Name' overlaps room in the Main Model in View 'Name'.
To resolve, select the Main Model Room Tag and use the Add to Design Option Set command."

4. "Warning: Option Conflict between Rooms.
Room boundary in the Main Model differs from the apparent boundary in View 'Name'.
To resolve, divide space with Room Separation Lines in the Main Model."

5."Warning: Option Conflict between Rooms.
Room in Option 'Name' overlaps Room in the Main Model in View 'Name'.
To resolve, move the Room from the Main Model to the Primary Option by deleting the Room from the Main Model then placing a new Room Tag in the Primary Option."

Please read full text of the warning. If it has suggestion of action, try to follow the suggestion. If you still have trouble or get warning without suggestion, either post simplified model here, or contact Support.

2004-11-09, 04:00 PM
I find you have to insert the room tags in the option, while editing that option. You can't do it after the option is closed, or you'll get those errors.

The tags have to be part of the option...

2004-11-09, 04:14 PM
The exact error message is "option conflict".

As Lev pointed out, the messages that appear in the error dialog are more verbose than just "option conflict". I assume you are seeing "option conflict" in the room tag itself or in the schedule, rather than in the error dialog. To see the more verbose message, select the room tag in the graphical window or the corresponding line in the schedule and note that a button appears in the option bar called "Explain Error". This button should give you a more detailed explanation of what the problem is and what to do about it. If that still isn't enough then post the verbose message here.

Rooms are the most complicated aspect of design options. I highly recommend that anyone using them read the corresponding Help pages. In the "Design Options" chapter there is a section "Important Considerations" and a subsection "Design Options and Rooms". This has some examples and tips (including the Explain Error button). There is also a section on area analysis, which is handled in a different way.