View Full Version : Nested Family Issue

2009-07-14, 02:52 PM
So I've created a nested window family by inserting a window component into a window family. I am trying to add exterior casing to the window family, so that as you change the nested window size the trim stays aligned with the outside edge of the nested window. However, the nested windows are already constrained to an editable stud pocket between the windows, so when I try to constrain the casing to the edge of the nested window I get overconstrained errors...any thoughts?

2009-07-14, 03:46 PM
Constrain everything to a reference plane instead of constraining one extrusion to another. You currently have reference planes in the right place, just lock it to the inside edge of the window trim(it appears you already have) then constrain your casing edges to the same reference plane and not the window trim.

I did this on your model and then flexed the Stud Pocket size and the results were desirable. Upon flexing, the windows moved apart and the trim increase in width to keep the window edges covered.

2009-07-16, 05:41 PM
Thanks for looking at it...The stud pocket is working. But the problem is how to keep the side casing aligned with the outside edges of the nested windows. For some reason, I can't get the reference planes to follow the nested window edge as it changes size....

Rick Houle
2009-07-16, 07:59 PM
What's up CH.
There is a certain approach you should follow to get more predictable results from your families, especially the more complicated ones.

STEP ONE, Build and Flex the family "skeleton"... Meaning, build up your Reference Planes and Parameters ONLY. Then check the parameters against the RP's by changing parameter values. This is called "Flexing the family"... First and foremost, you need to confirm that the RP's will flex as you intend them to with NO other content.

Then and only then should you involve your content, being sure to constrain everything to the respective RPs... Basically, the RP's will control the flexing and your model content will follow along as you desire.

IF YOU FAIL TO FOLLOW THIS ORDER OF CREATION, and you realize later that you need to include RPs to control your geometry, the results will not always be what you expect... Meaning, you may be doing everything right at this point but it is too late to retrain the family... Families do not always "modify" correctly when the changes are big.
That is why it is important to FLEX the family during creation...

If you cannot get it to work right, try starting over with RP's...

2009-07-16, 08:05 PM
Hey Rick...
I follow you...but I was just being lazy and hoping not to rebuild the family from scratch, but instead use some of the stock components as a starting point....In any case, the family works well, except that I can't figure out how to have the side casing follow the nested window..i.e there is no parameter attached to the nested window that allows the casing to follow a reference plane when the nested unit is "flexed"...it seems to work when I change the stud pocket, but not if the nested unit changes...

I just had a breakthrough making a true double unit rather than a nested multiple unit, so I think I can just make it work as a non-nested multi-unit window....

Scott Womack
2009-07-17, 10:27 AM
The side casings need to be made as sweeps, not as extrusions, then the path of the sweep can be "locked to that reference plane, and the ends of the sweep path can be locked to top and botton reference planes. If the family was not originally created that way, then al bets are off, unless you want to re-create at least those portions.

2009-07-17, 01:07 PM
I havent downloaded your family, but when you say *flex* the Nested family, youre really changing a parameter value in the parent family (not the nested one), right?

If i have:

Parent Window Family
Nested Window 1
Nested Window 2

Then NW1 and NW2 both have Length and width and whatever other parameters, but those values are nested through parameter values from PWF. As such, whether you use an extrusion or a sweep shouldnt matter, since your trim is locked to reference planes that are tied to values in the actual PWF... And in actuality, the NW1 and NW2 follow IT.

2009-07-17, 03:43 PM
I havent downloaded your family, but when you say *flex* the Nested family, youre really changing a parameter value in the parent family (not the nested one), right?

If i have:

Parent Window Family
Nested Window 1
Nested Window 2

Then NW1 and NW2 both have Length and width and whatever other parameters, but those values are nested through parameter values from PWF. As such, whether you use an extrusion or a sweep shouldnt matter, since your trim is locked to reference planes that are tied to values in the actual PWF... And in actuality, the NW1 and NW2 follow IT.

Correct...I'm changing a parameter in the parent family assigned to the nested component that allows me to change the size (select a different size) for the nested component. Not clear on your explanation. I have tried to set up reference planes, but there isn't a parameter that allows the reference planes to follow the nested window. Therefore, I can't constrain the side casing to an appropriate reference plane?

2009-07-17, 05:11 PM
The parameter thats assigned to the Nested family needs to also be assigned as a constraint to the reference planes that you want the casing to follow...