View Full Version : Area Plans and Phases

2009-07-14, 09:46 PM
How do you set-up an area plan for previous phase and have another area plan for new construction? Area boundaries don't seem to respect phases. Thanks.

Dimitri Harvalias
2009-07-15, 12:11 AM
In general the rule for areas is anytime you need to create a new set of boundaries you need to create a new 'aarea scheme'. The same applies for phases.
From the ribbon:
Home > Room and Area > Area and Volume Computations > Area Schemes create a new area scheme and call it Areas Phase 2 or whatever. Create a new set of area plans and you will be able to select the new area scheme. Set the phase filter on the plans to the new phase and you're in business.

2009-07-15, 01:34 PM
Of course, it would be simple. Thanks, Dimitri