View Full Version : Head, Jamb, Sill Details - Detail vs. Drafting Views

2009-07-15, 08:02 PM
Seems like two ways to tackle these details is to either cut sections in the model (for Detail Views) or to just draft them outright (Drafting View).

I was just wondering if there are droves of us doing this with section cuts and Detail Views? Is it managable?


2009-07-15, 08:11 PM
I'd keep these as drafting views becuase they tend to be pretty standard across multiple projects and there's no point redrawing them every time. The other issue with live sections and detials is if you happen to move or delete the door you are detailing than it will mess up your detail sheet. I've had enough projects go through massive redesigns pretty late in the game that I know how much of a pain it can be to have to remake typical details, just because the model geometry has moved.

2009-07-15, 08:30 PM
Head, Jambs and Sills i have typically considered a small enough and standardized enough entity to use a Drafting view for.

Things like Partition schedules and Door legends though, i use live views.

The trick is: Use a Live view from a Phase that happens in the past, and make sure the item gets *demolished* before existing. Then it doesnt affect anything.... Unless you are using an Add On that doesnt respect Revit Phasing (Exporting to Navis and not using Current View only, or espec, or IES...).

If you want live sections and detail sections for heads and jambs, go in to *the past* place a wall, drop in one of each window and door, and cut them up. Now you dont even have to worry about moving them, since theyre not part of the project.

2009-07-15, 08:31 PM
Chris - That's pretty much the impression I had. It doesn't seem managable to me, but the project lead was pressing the issue.

Twice - VERY interesting take! I'll have to toy with it.

Thanks for the input!

2009-07-15, 09:08 PM
There are pros and cons to each, depending on how intricate you guys have your office standards set up.

Partitions are very much the same. You have partitions, and they have materials. If you have "Office Standard Materials" that differ from the OOTB Revit ones, you may have Comments, Type Comments, Type Marks, and other information stored in those materials, and in those wall types.

Then, having Live Partition schedules is nice because when things change (terminology or notations) on fifteen wall types that were preloaded from the office standards, if they HAVE the same materials, all those things update across the board. In that case, its nice not to have drafting views.

But its a decent investment up front getting things set up, and teaching people to use the system. A lot of people think its totally not worth it. I use it because its second nature to me, but i could go the other way too...