View Full Version : Model view to drafting view

2009-07-16, 11:09 AM
I have to tart up a couple of sections for use in a magazine.

I'm sure I remember reading something on here about exporting or duplicating a model view as a drafting view, so all the model lines end up as drafting lines?

Have searched but can't find it now! Does anybody know what this might be?


Malcolm Walker
Cardiff, UK

2009-07-16, 11:48 AM
Further exploration makes me think it was something to do with the Revit Extension 'Freeze drawings'.

I can find it for Revit Structures, but will it work for Revit Architecture too?


2009-07-16, 12:19 PM
In essance - export model view to cad and re-import in a detail

2009-07-16, 12:50 PM
The Revit Architecture Extensions will do exactly what youre talking about, but it basically does just what wmullet says. Exoprts it to CAD and imports it in to a Drafting View.