View Full Version : Just Curious..

Paul Monsef
2004-11-04, 07:28 PM
I'm in the midst of pulling all my teeth out trying to implement Revit "office wide" in our 4 person firm... 2 Partners and 2 P.A... (so far I'm the only one using it)

You gotta love the people who would rather work on R14 for the rest of there life because it's "tradition".

Anyway... Just wondering how many firms around the Seattle area are using Revit or have switched from CAD.


Dimitri Harvalias
2004-11-04, 07:52 PM
VIA/Suzuki in Seattle are using Revit as well as their Vancouver, BC office. Seattle is about 10 CAD staff, Vancouver about the same.

Paul Monsef
2004-11-05, 05:54 PM
VIA/Suzuki in Seattle are using Revit as well as their Vancouver, BC office. Seattle is about 10 CAD staff, Vancouver about the same.
Thanks. :)

Just one, that's it? I'm all alone...

2004-11-05, 06:43 PM
There are other firms around Seattle that are more or less investigating the software from what I've heard, but not sure how far they've gone to implement it. We've been experimenting with it here for about a year and a half now.
I would also be curious to hear who else is using it around here.


Paul Monsef
2004-11-05, 07:29 PM
There are other firms around Seattle that are more or less investigating the software from what I've heard, but not sure how far they've gone to implement it. We've been experimenting with it here for about a year and a half now.
I would also be curious to hear who else is using it around here.

Thanks Danielle...

If we can find at least 10 maybe we can get a LUG going... :)

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-11-05, 07:43 PM
If you can't get critical mass down there you are welcome to join us just across the border in the Great White North for our user group meeting.

2004-11-05, 08:01 PM
Well hmm...there's 4 or 5 in our office, how many in yours? We probably just need one other firm...anybody out there?

Paul Monsef
2004-11-05, 08:27 PM
Thanks Dimitri, Vancouver is only 90 minutes away - Thanks.

Danielle, We have 2 production and 2 principles right now... I'm pretty sure I would be the only one interested right now, So I guess the answer is 1. :)

We've been experimenting with Revit for about a year and a half also. I was thinking of attending the Revit 6.1 training seminar that Imaginit is hosting on the 18th just to see who shows up.

2004-11-06, 12:20 AM
Yah, I'm not sure what protocol is for firm-name dropping here on AUGI, but I'm pretty sure you may find one of the big names in Seattle there, it would be interesting to try to get a group together, not sure what kind of architecture your firm does, but I am very curious to hear about revit being used for non-residential buildings, specifically specialized kinds of construction.