View Full Version : Roof

2009-07-17, 04:43 PM
I would like the ridge of the lower roof to align with that of the upper roof and as well maintain the same slope with both roofs plane towards the back. (per attachment)

I used the slope arrow options for the planes sloping towards the back. It means a lot of trial and error in estimating the height at the ridge.

Any help with a simple and more efficient way of acheiving this.

Thanks for suggestions

2009-07-17, 05:14 PM
I'm still not very clear on what you're trying to achieve. You want the ridge line of both roofs to align? But what else are you trying to maintain? I'm not sure what "slope towards the back" is referring to.

2009-07-17, 07:47 PM
Referring to the attachment -the pitch towards the front(ie the pitch to the left in the model) of the upper and lower roofs have the same slope, the other pitches (to the right in the model) have the upper and lower roofs at different angles.Moreover their ridges do not line up.

So basically what I'm trying to achieve is to have the lower and upper roofs have their ridges line-up and also maintain similar slopes for the roof pitches falling to the right in model

Hope this is clearer.
Thanks for your response

2009-07-17, 07:57 PM
Ahh, I think I understand and I don't think there is a way to do what you want without either trial and error or doing some sketches first to determine the geometry. I would define the roofs slopes using roof pitch and not slope arrows if you want all of them to have the same pitch. If you want the ridges to line up and the slopes to be the same, I would suggest that in a section, you sketch out how it should be and get some dimensions to determine what the bearing elevation should be for the low left roof. it would appear that the bearing elevation needs to be much higher than it is right now.

2009-07-17, 08:26 PM
ok thanks for the response, btw couldn't use both slope arrows and roof pitch to define roof slopes of the same roof?