View Full Version : File Size

2004-11-04, 09:53 PM
Hi, I know this is very relative, but I'd like to ask about file sizes:

have you observed the difference in size of a project as started (no annotations, no sheets) and when Cd's are finished?

We are about to complete our first CD set in Revit. It is an educational building, 2 stories, 24,000 sq ft, 38 sheets. The file size before we started documenting it, was 5Mb, now that it's close to completion of Cd's it is 24Mb.

We have a tower project (250,000 sq ft) that the model alone (structure, shell, core) right now is 25Mb, and I'd like to get an idea of how much can we expect it to grow for full Cd's?


2004-11-05, 01:55 AM
Hi, I know this is very relative, but I'd like to ask about file sizes:

have you observed the difference in size of a project as started (no annotations, no sheets) and when Cd's are finished?

We are about to complete our first CD set in Revit. It is an educational building, 2 stories, 24,000 sq ft, 38 sheets. The file size before we started documenting it, was 5Mb, now that it's close to completion of Cd's it is 24Mb.

We have a tower project (250,000 sq ft) that the model alone (structure, shell, core) right now is 25Mb, and I'd like to get an idea of how much can we expect it to grow for full Cd's?


it would not be out of the question to see file sizing pushing 100mb on the tower project. I would purge often, it has a way of really reducing the size of the file

2004-11-05, 02:00 AM
Any addition of Raster images & Imported DWG's add a lot. So keep Raster Images to a minium and link in, rather than import, and DWG's and the file size won't ballon too much.

Case in point: a SCHEMATIC set I'm working on for a very large project is at 88 megs right now, and climbing. This is cheifly due to the high number of raster images- renderings, charts, tables, maps, ect.

Mr Spot
2004-11-05, 03:14 AM
I find excess views, especially 3d views bloat the file size. Try to delete any views that aren't used for anything.

2004-11-05, 04:25 AM
Any addition of Raster images & Imported DWG's add a lot. So keep Raster Images to a minium and link in, rather than import, and DWG's and the file size won't ballon too much.
File size should be the same whether you link or import a DWG. Revit stores a copy of the data in a linked DWG in the host file that gets updated when the external file changes. On the other hand, linking rvt files should not increase the size of the file, since no copy of the data is stored in the host file.

2004-11-05, 01:44 PM
If you use raster images your file size will grow tremendously since revit doesn't link them it actually imports them and they become part of the file.

I would guess a full CD set(architectural only) would be between 60-80mb depending on the level of detail you put into your sets.

I have sd sets that are 125mb and almost no model, its due to just lots of hand drawn images scanned and placed on sheets as the design develops.

If I was smarter(which I will be on the next one) I'd create a sep project for all the images that are on sheets and keep my working model clean of images. The open times get rather long with the images.

Due note that in my experience File size does not affect working performance only save times, so I wouldn't worry about it. If worksets are used the saves can be quicker during local saves then on non worksets jobs.

Scott D Davis
2004-11-05, 04:06 PM
If you use raster images your file size will grow tremendously since revit doesn't link them it actually imports them and they become part of the file.Yet another reason why we need Imaging linking, and have Images added to the Manage Links dialog box. Attach, detach, load unload....

2004-11-05, 04:42 PM
it would not be out of the question to see file sizing pushing 100mb on the tower project. I would purge often, it has a way of really reducing the size of the file

The WTC has 5 files linked into one. The two main files are about 90mb each. The other three are between 10-20.

It would be interesting to compare file sizes with smaller tower projects. I'm wondering if the physical attributes of the building have less to do with size than views, rasters, imports and other overhead items.

Wouldn't it be ironic if this tower and the Bank of Oshkosh headquarters were the same file size!