View Full Version : Construction professionals BIM attitudes

2009-07-19, 06:02 AM
Hello everyone,

I'm doing some academic research into the way that relationships between construction professionals are changing with the introduction of BIM. i.e. when traditional design teams start having to be open about the data that they hold, do they start to behave differently? This is at MSc level at the moment but I'm expecting to take a PhD if it goes further.

Please could you help me out by filling in my online survey:


The results have been pretty interesting so far. Most people seem to despise contractors/sub-contractors, they don't trust architects, engineers are deities!


William Troeak
2009-07-25, 06:56 AM
I would be curious to see the results.....also your link is broken, at least I can't get to the survey.

2009-07-29, 09:17 AM
Yes. I've got quite a few people interested in this one. I really need to get a worldwide perspective in order to see if regions that have used BIM for longer have changed their attitudes.

What happens when you try the link? It seems to work OK here.

William Troeak
2009-07-29, 08:04 PM
I was able to get on today....you should have my responses by now.