View Full Version : Future Phase

2004-11-04, 10:06 PM
I have a sinking feeling I know the answer to this, but....
I want to set up a Future Phase on my project.
No problem creating the phase, but is there anywhere in the Phase Filter to specify how it displays?
What I want is for the Future to show screened/dashed on the New Construction plan.
I get that when I say "Future", that future is after New, and therefore won't display, but I want one plan that shows Future as screened/dashed, New solid, and Existing screened.


Can I add new columns to the Phase Filter and/or Graphic Overrides tabs?

Chad Smith
2004-11-05, 12:46 AM
I've been after a 'Future' phase for some time now.
The only workaround that is available is to make your future object temporary, but that only works if you have just 1 phase after your current one.

i.e. if you make all future objects temporary, then you can't split them up into separate phases.

I hope we get this one soon.

2004-11-09, 04:03 PM
Thanks Chad (he says belatedly)

I can live with that for now. I'd like to see a Future phase built in, too.

Do I need to Demolish walls to make them Temporary, or can I just change their Properties to Phase: Temporary?

2004-11-09, 04:48 PM
Dave, the demolish tool is really just a shortcut that sets anything you pick to be demoed in whatever the current phase of the view you selected the item was in.

Once you have more than just an Existing vs. New project, like one with multipule phases, the Demo tool can quickly become confusing, for it's not moving stuff to the Demo phase, it's simply setting it to be demo'ed in the current *visable* phase.

So I usally select the item and then within the properties set the proper phase rather than use the demo tool. Things are deemed 'temporary' when they are being created and demolished within the same phase.