View Full Version : Link in a Revit Model without it's levels & grids...

2009-07-30, 03:37 PM
Is it possible to link in a Revit model without it's levels & grids... I thought I heard that it was... I know I can use filters and shut them off in each view... but this is a view by view process... I would like it to be by default to be off when brought in...

Is it possible?

2009-07-30, 03:57 PM
1. It doesnt have to be View by View. You can set up a View Template that affects ONLY VG:RVT Link, and shuts off the Levels and Grids.

2. To bring in the Link without the Levels and Grids, the Link has to be worksetted, and the Workset has to not be Loaded when you Link in the Revit Model.

2009-07-30, 04:09 PM
1. It doesnt have to be View by View. You can set up a View Template that affects ONLY VG:RVT Link, and shuts off the Levels and Grids.

2. To bring in the Link without the Levels and Grids, the Link has to be worksetted, and the Workset has to not be Loaded when you Link in the Revit Model.

The link I am using is Worksetted....

I thought this is the case... and I selected open selected worksets when linking... but when the window appears... I can't really do anything... so I am confused on what I am suppose to do to get it not to bring in the grids and levels... if this is how it works...

Yes... I know I can set up view filters... (view templates...) but I am not totally sold on templates... until they set up templates that can turn on or off one or two items and not the whole set... so if you have something that effects all your views that could be different settings... you could run a template for a partial change... and not screw up all your special views... They are still good... but They could be better... unless they have improved and I haven’t noticed yet in the newer versions... (just jumped from 2008 to 2010)

back to my main prob... any idea what I might be doing wrong... that is if it does what I think it does...

2009-07-30, 04:12 PM
In 2009 View templates got the ability to only control specific catagories of the View Properties that they are applied to.

As i said: You can make a view template that only affects VG:RVT LINK Overrides.

Then, in that VT, you tell it to shut off the Levels and Grids.

The only thing that View Template will reset in ANY view, is any customizations youve done to the looks of other Linked Models.

If the link you are using is worksetted, when you Link it it say Specify Worksets, and Dont link the worksets that have the levels and grids on them...

2009-07-30, 04:27 PM
In 2009 View templates got the ability to only control specific catagories of the View Properties that they are applied to.

As i said: You can make a view template that only affects VG:RVT LINK Overrides.

Then, in that VT, you tell it to shut off the Levels and Grids.

The only thing that View Template will reset in ANY view, is any customizations youve done to the looks of other Linked Models.

If the link you are using is worksetted, when you Link it it say Specify Worksets, and Dont link the worksets that have the levels and grids on them...

Any Idea why when I try to do this I get a window that looks like the attached window... and I can't select any specific workset?

Oh... and good to hear about the advancements in the templates... I will have to look at that later... But I still think I would prefer to link this in without its levels and grids if possible... or at least have this under my belt... know why it seems not to be working... thanks for your assistance...

2009-07-30, 04:42 PM
When the window pops up, highlight the "Shared Levels and Grids" workset and hit the "Close" button on the right side of the window. That will ensure that levels and grids do not open with the link.

2009-07-30, 04:53 PM
When the window pops up, highlight the "Shared Levels and Grids" workset and hit the "Close" button on the right side of the window. That will ensure that levels and grids do not open with the link.

That simple... Don't I feel a little silly... Thank you loads...

2009-07-30, 05:18 PM
In 2009 View templates got the ability to only control specific catagories of the View Properties that they are applied to.

As i said: You can make a view template that only affects VG:RVT LINK Overrides.

Then, in that VT, you tell it to shut off the Levels and Grids.

The only thing that View Template will reset in ANY view, is any customizations youve done to the looks of other Linked Models.

If the link you are using is worksetted, when you Link it it say Specify Worksets, and Dont link the worksets that have the levels and grids on them...

I believe you'd still have to apply said template to every view. I asked awhile back about having a template that could update every view set to that template if I needed to change the template, but I don't believe it works like that.

Scott Womack
2009-07-30, 07:23 PM
I believe you'd still have to apply said template to every view. I asked awhile back about having a template that could update every view set to that template if I needed to change the template, but I don't believe it works like that.

Correct. The intent is once the view template has been applied once, you can in the browser select a bunch of views (even if they have had different view templates applied originally, and use the "Apply Default View" template to that selection. Revit will then replay the view template (with any changes in it you've made) and in effect reapply the previously set view template

2009-07-30, 07:24 PM
Thats correct, but thats why im a freak about naming conventions for our Views in a Revit Model. You have to go view by view if you do them when theyre on the SHEETS. If you put the browser on Views:all you can select multiple views up top and apply the VT to them all at once. If its a Linked element and you want something gone EVERYWHERE, its even easier. Highlight all the views, right click, apply VT and done.

But i use a strict naming convention so Views get sorted alphabetically by typology and location, making it easier to grab bunches of views at once to apply view templates too... Until we get a VT that can retroactively approach views its been applied too.