View Full Version : How do I preset object insert heights

2009-08-03, 12:26 AM
I have a residential single story plan with elevation markers set at grade, first floor ht., (1 foot above grade), top plate, and top of roof. Everything I insert- doors, windows, p fixtures, casework, etc. inserts at grade elevation. how do I change this? I have a tub sitting at grade that won't let me change the elevation. Everything else I have to insert, then select and change to floor elevation ht.

Scott Womack
2009-08-03, 10:07 AM
You need to have a Plan Created at Each Elevation that you want to insert items on. Therefor, if you want to insert items at the First Floor Level, You need to have a floor plan Created off of that level. If you have that plan active, items will be inserted at that level. The Plan must be CREATED from that level, not changed after the fact.