View Full Version : Bearing Foundation wall thickness problem

Tom Phillips
2009-08-03, 04:15 PM
Trying to create an 8" thick by 4'-0" tall foundation bearing wall under a basic wall. The basic wall is 9-1/4" thick. So when I place the foundation bearing wall it changes the thickness to 9-1/4" like that of the wall selected. But I want it to be 8" thick as specified in the properties. Why does it change to 9-1/4”? Is there a setting somewhere to keep this from happing?

cliff collins
2009-08-03, 06:53 PM
Basic Revit 101 stuff here:

You need to make a Duplicate of your 9 1/4" Basic Wall, rename it 8" Foundation Wall
( or whatever you like).

Then go to Structure edit, and change the material to Concrete and make it 8" thick.

Does that help?

Another way, and more correct method is to use the Structural Foundation Wall
tool and attach foundation walls below your architectural walls. You can then automatically
attach spread footings as well, so now anywhere you cut a section will have the foundation/footing showing up correctly.


Tom Phillips
2009-08-03, 07:39 PM

Maybe I should better explain this.
I have an Arch. Wall that is comprised of an 8” girt and 1-1/4” wall panel, total thickness of 9-1/4”. When I try to place a structural foundation bearing wall that is specified to be 8” in width and 48” in thickness, by selecting the Arch. Wall it places the structural foundation wall just fine, but it seems to take on the same thickness of the Arch wall above it. Why is this?

2009-08-03, 07:45 PM
Depending on how your arch wall is set up, you may need to make sure that the core is 8" with everything else out side of it. I think this is what that basic wall uses as a base. I would then change that to a non-basic wall and make it an 8" conc wall, not a basic generic wall with a variable width.
Just a thought.

Tom Phillips
2009-08-04, 12:53 PM
Here is how I have the Basic Wall set up -

Family: Basic Wall
Type: Girt - 8"
Total Thickness: 0' 9 1/4"

Exterior side

1 - Finish 2 [5] - Metal-panel - 0' 1 1/4"
2 - Core Boundary - Layers Above Wrap - 0' 0"
3 - Structure [1] - Metal-Steel - 0' 8"
4 - Core Boundary - layers Below wrap - 0' 0"

Exterior side

2009-08-04, 06:09 PM
I think you're using the "Wall Foundation" tool to try to place a foundation wall. "Wall Foundation" means a foundation FOR a wall, like a strip footing. For the Bearing footing type, you specify the width and thickness, but it appears that any width narrower than the overall wall thickness will make the footing match the wall thickness instead of the actual width you specified.

You really should do your foundation walls as an actual wall type - with the Function type property set to Foundation. Then you can use the Wall Foundation tool to put a strip footing underneath that foundation wall, which I assume you will have.

Tom Phillips
2009-08-04, 07:19 PM
This method creates a foundation wall very quickly. So why does Revit change this when a specific sizes is given?