View Full Version : CPU Stuck

2009-08-04, 08:17 PM
I have been using Revit 2010 for months without a problem. Yesterday I opened Revit but if I select anything the CPU goes to 50% and the task manager says not responding. I uninstalled, cleaned the registry and temp files, reinstalled and nothing changed. Video drivers are the latest.

Using XP Pro 32, core duo 2.4, 4G ram, ATI 4850.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2009-08-05, 07:20 AM
If its working OK for a few months and suddenly goes haywire, I would be looking at what upgrades (windows and other software) took place on that day and maybe rolling the box back to an earlier save point in the first instance.

Generally speaking if something is working ok and you haven't changed it then I think the culprit is likely to be elsewhere.



2009-08-05, 02:52 PM
I think you're right. I tried a system restore but that didn't resolve the problem. I'm going to get another hard drive and install Vista 64 and dual boot. Maybe Revit will be happier there.