View Full Version : Revit: Number of sheets in set

2009-08-05, 09:15 PM
Has/does anyone know how to create a parameter on plot sheets that will count up the number of sheets in the entire set?
"Sheet A2.1 of (XX) sheets"

2009-08-05, 09:21 PM
It cannot be done automatically. If you want to do it you can put the parameter in, but youll have to manually count up the sheets and update it in the titleblock.

2009-08-05, 09:43 PM
We changed our template to have the set issuance be a 1 or 0 instead of an X. Then just calculate total and you have you're sheet count per issue. This is a drawing sheet parameter, and a new one would need to be added for each issuance.

I hope this helps,
Jeff S.

2009-08-06, 12:03 AM
Seems like it would not be to difficult to create a macro/add-in that would loop through all the sheets with a counter and then inject that counter into a sheet parameter.

Any volunteers?

2009-08-06, 02:10 AM
Seems like it would not be to difficult to create a macro/add-in that would loop through all the sheets with a counter and then inject that counter into a sheet parameter.

Any volunteers?


I'm working on it now for you. (Actually I will find this handy as well.) I will upload it here in the next couple of hours :)

2009-08-06, 07:48 AM
Well here goes build 1.01

Copy both files to c:\temp (Its hard coded at the moment but I will fix this)

Add this to your Revit.ini file


You will need to substitute the ?'s for the number of external applications you have loaded.

So far this little app will:
1. When you create or open an existing document it will add three shared parameters to the sheets.
2. On document opened it will count how many sheets there are in the project and put that value in one of the shared parameters on each sheet.
3. When you save the document after you add a sheet or delete a sheet it will re calculate the total sheet number.
4. You can toggle weather to include sheets in the count. Save your drawing again to refresh the count.
5. At this stage I do have it calculating the actual sheet number in the series although if you reorder the sheets it doesn't calulate them correctly (yet). At the moment it gets the sheet number by the order they are created. I have disabled this in this build untill I get it working correctly.
6. You can now use these shared parameters in your titleblock family.

Let me know what you think.

Phillip Miller

PS. You will have to unzip the dll file to c:\temp

Scott Womack
2009-08-06, 09:25 AM
Phillip, is this a 2010 Dll or a 2009 Dll, or does it work with both?

2009-08-06, 09:38 AM
Phillip, is this a 2010 Dll or a 2009 Dll, or does it work with both?

Sorry. I should have said. It is a 2010 dll. When I have completed it I will compile for both.

2009-08-06, 11:04 AM
Great work Phil.
Always wanted to have this feature. Can't wait to see how this progresses


2009-08-06, 01:34 PM
could you PLEASE make one for 2009? I desperately need this numbering and I have 2009
Thanks for sharing!!!!

2009-08-06, 06:38 PM
Great so far Phillip.

Might want to post this in the API thread. Or get this post moved to the API thread.

2009-08-06, 07:19 PM
Great thanks for taking the time.....I am new to a lot of this so I apologize for what may come as stupid questions......
You posted;
(You will need to substitute the ?'s for the number of external applications you have loaded.)
and I am not sure what that meant, so I used the number 1

Also I placed the files in the temp folder and pasted to the revit.ini file, but when I opened my project I got an error...."File "KiwiCodes.txt not found"

Am I missing something?

2009-08-06, 09:08 PM
Great thanks for taking the time.....I am new to a lot of this so I apologize for what may come as stupid questions......
You posted;
(You will need to substitute the ?'s for the number of external applications you have loaded.)
and I am not sure what that meant, so I used the number 1

Also I placed the files in the temp folder and pasted to the revit.ini file, but when I opened my project I got an error...."File "KiwiCodes.txt not found"

Am I missing something?

Sounds as though you are doing everthing fine. Its a error that I have caught when it can't find your existing Shared Paramter file. It looks as though you haven't used a Shared Parameter file before. (I will fix that error over the weekend). In the meantime you can force it to the shared parameter file by doing what is shown in the attached video.

Good Luck


2009-08-06, 10:12 PM
Phillip_Miller you are Awesome....Thanks

2009-08-06, 10:40 PM

If you are having issues with Revit bombing when loading a project, you won't have a default Shared Parameter file loaded. Refer to my previous post with attached video to set one and then it will work. Hopefully I have some time over the weekend to iron out the bugs.



2009-08-07, 06:22 PM
Sorry, just not getting it either.

I pasted into the Revit.ini file (do we change the ? to a 1 here?)

I created the three shared parameters

I opened my title sheet to create three labels one for each of the parameters

I save the title sheet and load into project template (it already has multiple sheets in it)

All I see in the bottom right hand corner are three ? marks

What have I missed?


2009-08-07, 09:18 PM
Sorry, just not getting it either.

I pasted into the Revit.ini file (do we change the ? to a 1 here?)

I created the three shared parameters

I opened my title sheet to create three labels one for each of the parameters

I save the title sheet and load into project template (it already has multiple sheets in it)

All I see in the bottom right hand corner are three ? marks

What have I missed?


Hi. You definatly need to change the questions marks to a number depending on how many external applications are loaded. If there are none (you will no this as in the Revit GUI there won't be a ribbon tab for addins), the questions marks will need to be changed to 1. Then when you load revit it will do the calculations for you. When I finish this of I will make an installer that will do all this automatically.

2009-08-10, 02:07 AM

For those of you interested I have posted a small demo screen cap on to my web site at


to demonstrate the final working product. I will upload the final build later today.


Phillip Miller

2009-08-10, 05:50 PM
Hi Philip,

I noticed you removed the dll file. When do you anticipate reposting the new version?

2009-08-10, 10:44 PM

For those of you interested I have posted a small demo screen cap on to my web site at


to demonstrate the final working product. I will upload the final build later today.


Phillip Miller

I tried for a long time to get this functionality out of Revit. I can't wait to start using this. Thanks.

2009-08-11, 08:46 AM
HI All.

For those of you that can't wait I have uploaded to our website the Site License version of "Sheet Counter for Revit" This works on all Revit flavours of 2010.


I will upload the Single License version later today, to the same page.

A demo video can be found at



Phillip Miller

Gadget Man
2009-08-13, 04:14 AM
HI All.

For those of you that can't wait I have uploaded to our website the Site License version of "Sheet Counter for Revit" This works on all Revit flavours of 2010...

Philip, I gave REVIT 2010 an honest try (with WU1 installed) and after 2 projects nightmare I decided to go back to RAC 2009 until they fix the issues I am having with 2010. Or wait till RAC 2011, whichever happens first...

So, in short, I am not going to use Revit 2010 in current form (maybe never then...) but I am still keen on implementing your little tool in Revit 2009. Do you plan to release the 2009 version as well or is 2010 version going to work with Revit 2009 or should I stop dreaming?

2009-08-13, 07:04 AM
Philip, I gave REVIT 2010 an honest try (with WU1 installed) and after 2 projects nightmare I decided to go back to RAC 2009 until they fix the issues I am having with 2010. Or wait till RAC 2011, whichever happens first...

So, in short, I am not going to use Revit 2010 in current form (maybe never then...) but I am still keen on implementing your little tool in Revit 2009. Do you plan to release the 2009 version as well or is 2010 version going to work with Revit 2009 or should I stop dreaming?

Hi Jerry.

I was intending on looking at doing a 2009 version, but I have been caught up with trying to sort out some issues with the Revit API and Revit projects with file links in them. :( I think I now have that sorted.

It shouldn't be to hard to do as the only specific 2010 items in my code is using the 2010 Events, (which have caused all the problems). So yes I will look at doing a 2009 version soon.

Stay posted:)



2009-08-13, 08:47 PM
looking forward!

2009-08-17, 09:39 PM
Hi All.

The Signle user version of Sheet Counter for Revit has been uploaded to our web page.


A big thanks has to go to Ian Kidston for his help in testing this on Windows 64 bit. Thank you.

2009 version should be up early next week, when I have some time to look at that.


Phillip Miller
Kiwi Codes Solutions Ltd

2010-08-11, 06:21 PM
Does this product work with REVIT MEP 2011?

2010-08-17, 04:14 PM
Bump: Any tests on Revit 2011?

2010-08-17, 08:37 PM
Bump: Any tests on Revit 2011?

Works perfect. Highly recommend. I have been using it over both versions and the cost is next to nothing.


While your at it get yourself Element Reumber from Kiwi Codes, it will be the best money you ever spent !!!

2010-08-17, 08:39 PM
Bump: Any tests on Revit 2011?

Hi Brian.

Yep I do have a Revit 2011 version. I have been a little busy as of late so Haven't had time to upload to our web site.

I will email you with instructions.



2010-08-17, 08:43 PM
Hi Brian,
Still works fine for me in 2011.

Win64 bit OS


2010-08-17, 08:43 PM
Hi Brian.

Yep I do have a Revit 2011 version. I have been a little busy as of late so Haven't had time to upload to our web site.

I will email you with instructions.



Great, send me a private message via the forum if you need my email address.


2011-05-05, 10:20 PM

I just purchased the $20 version for our company, but I am unable to utilize the add-in, in Revit 2011. Could you please give instructions, so we can make use of the product? It does function in 2010, but all of our projects are in 2011. Thank you.

All the best,

2011-05-05, 11:39 PM
Check your email for a reply with instructions.

2011-05-06, 05:42 AM
Check your email for a reply with instructions.

Thanks for that wBoyanton. I have been in contact with Bryan re this as well ;)

For anyone else keep an eye out on our blog for a Revit 2012 version coming very soon.




2011-09-27, 02:58 PM
Anyone test this with Revit 2012? If it was working with 2011, I guess it works with 2012, but just checking...

2013-06-05, 09:35 PM
Hi guys,

there is also another more "automatic" counting method you can use with sheet lists overlayed with titleblocks. See the video here : http://bimerworld.blogspot.ca/2013/06/creating-automatic-sheets-total-in.html