View Full Version : Swag Drapery

2003-09-06, 10:21 PM
Can anyone help me make some swag drapery?

I'm talking about banner type drapery that hangs from a ceiling to cover up exposed trusses or whatever... Or if you have any ideas on how to make it look right.

Additionally, some parametric drapes would also be nice.


2003-09-07, 12:06 AM
There's some drapery in the Modern Medium 5.1 library in furnishings, which you could pull apart and revamp.
Its a bit chinzy and probably not what you want.

For you application, I imagine the material will hang very staight, having a weighted rod along the bottom edge and a rail along the top.

You could just make a thin slab model for this and then apply a decal for rendering ?

2003-09-07, 09:06 AM
Thin wall with hosted sweep for rails top and bottom?

Don't forget to make the wall not 'room defining' to avoid all manner of error messages.

2003-09-07, 05:33 PM
Well, I'm trying to imagine what you guys are thinking and I've not come up with anything even close. Every time I try, it just doesn't come out.

I'll try to post what I've accomplished to this point and see what you guys think.

So any suggestions for the side drapes would be welcome.

Thank you gentlemen.

2003-09-07, 08:58 PM
Obviously, what PeterJ and I had in mind is entirely different to what you are looking for.

Can you post an image of the style of thing you're after ?

2003-09-07, 09:03 PM

I was some way off in my understanding as I guess was beegee. That is not something I would use so I have not considered how to model it but I think that I would probably use a thin wall as I suggested before and then apply a decal, rather than bother modelling the thing. If you don't want a wall then use a family or even an in place family. If you use a wall edit the elevation profile to get the catenary curve across the bottom.

Is this something you have used before? If so take a snap of a past instance and square it up in photoshop then apply as a decal to a surface.

Hope that helps


2003-09-07, 09:49 PM
Looking at the curtain in the MM 5.1 library, ( which is imported geometry) I would make a thin wall - in place family, as PeterJ suggests, but possibly using splines. When you have a segment that seems about right, copy each one, adjusting it marginally as you go. Join geometry.
Could get you near to what you what ?

2003-09-10, 12:38 AM
i actually ended up finding what i needed on an obscure site in lala land, believe it or not..

I was just hoping not to have to make it. But it's complete now. Thanks for the advice gentlemen.

2003-09-10, 03:02 AM
mind sharing the obscure site...?

2007-12-05, 02:01 PM
mind sharing the obscure site...?

yeah do you please mind shearing this site?