View Full Version : Text wrapping in schedules

2009-08-05, 10:50 PM
I am working with multi-sentence "Descriptions" and "Comments", and having trouble editing/correcting those text bodies because I can't control text wrapping (or see the entire text entry) until it's on a sheet. I know you can force line returns with Ctrl-Enter, but is there some other secret to forcing text wrapping in the Schedule View?

When will schedule formatting catch up with the rest of Revit--or at least AutoCAD tables???

2009-08-11, 05:54 PM
Text wrapping, like alot of the text features in Revit, is far behind in capabilities compared to AutoCAD. I wish there was a better answer. Seems to me that Autodesk would easily be able to implement the same abilities, and I am sure that they are aware of complaints. But I don't know what gives!

2009-08-11, 07:28 PM
...some other secret to forcing text wrapping...
This is not a true solution but it might help. I posted a tip that can be useful in a pinch and it may be better than nothing.
