View Full Version : Nested Annotation Family

2009-08-10, 11:38 AM
I'm trying to get the Door Tag family to display the Room Number instead of the Door Mark.

So i created a family-Generic Annotation..
then i changed the Family Category into Room Tag family..created the Label which displays Room Number..then i loaded this family into the Door Tag family.

when i tried to drag-n-drop the family from the broject browser, it won't show up and i get the warning : Can't create this kind of element in this view in the current mode.

Is it not possible to use a Room Tag family as nested into a Door Tag family??

If not, how can i get the Door Tag to Display the Room Number automatically?? given that the parameter Room Number cannot be added to door tags.

2009-08-10, 11:45 AM
What youre trying to do cannot be done natively in Revit. You will need an API function to do it, if possible. No combination of Door tags or room tags will do what youre after, sadly...

2009-11-03, 05:37 PM
Thought you might be able to use the From Room or To Room Parameters for door schedules, but doesn't look like it automatically does what you want.

If you want to take a look -