View Full Version : Displaying fire partitions for linked MEP files

2009-08-10, 11:52 AM
I added a question to the "Fire Rating Partition Tape using Revit 9.0 Wall Hatching" thread, but I'm afraid its been buried.
That thread involved different methods of displaying fire rated partitions on the construction documents.
My desire is to have them visible to the MEP (and structural) engineers using a linked ARCH file. Are these hatch patterns visible to them, and can they manipulate visual graphics for them?

2009-08-10, 01:25 PM
It really depends on how they were created. Are they linework, filled regions or a coarse wall fill? If they are annotative (fill or linework) then you will have to link by view. If they are coarse fill, they they should be available in any view set to the coarse level I think. Either way, you should be able to control them through the linked file VG.

2009-08-10, 05:43 PM
You'll also want to have the engineers check their view settings and make sure they don't have any graphic overrides for walls...The discipline setting may also affect this.

If they are Revit savvy, they should be able to figure it out.

2009-08-10, 08:47 PM
I like to set up views with various annotations and other things turned off that engineers specifically use for their backgrounds when they link in my file. So they link in my file, and set the link to "display by linked view" and change the view to the one I made for them. That way the graphics should show up however you set them up on your end.