View Full Version : Enhanced Grip selection

2004-11-07, 05:19 PM
Augi Members;

I wish I could select a bunch of objects to activate their grips and be able to hit the Ctrl key and window select or CP select grips as required to make them hot grips. And be able to add and remove selections by using the Shift and Ctrl keys as required while making your selections. i presently have to select every grip one by one to make them hot grips.

This suggested feature would work similar to the multy stretch command; but would be more visual as you see which grips are hot and allows for you to add and remove selections as required. This feature is primarily for selecting objects prior to running a command.

PS: Let me know if you think this is a good wish or not.

Edward Borg
Precision Drafting LLC
mailto:Cadkiller@aol.com (Cadkiller@aol.com)

2004-11-08, 04:37 PM
That would sweet!!

I use grips so much - This would be a HUGE time saver!!!!