View Full Version : Keyboard Shortcuts for "Edit Sketch" and other commands

2009-08-10, 06:40 PM
I want to define keyboard shortcuts for the following commands, but these commands do not appear in the KeyboardShortcuts.txt file:

Edit Family
Edit Sketch/Edit Boundary
Override Graphics in View...By Element

Is it even possible to have shortcuts for these? if not, why not? It would speedup workflow tremendously...

Thanks for any help,

2009-08-11, 07:29 AM
haven't found a way to do any of those, although i wouldn't discound the edit family tool.

We investigated doing edit boundary, but the command is essentially different for each type of element - edit filled region, edit floor etc, so you wouldn't be able to use a single command for that. Damn.

We found that although the text did not exist for certain shortcuts, if we followed the format in the text file and looked at the tooltips for certain commands we could add them in.

2009-08-11, 04:25 PM
Pretty certain the edit sketch/boundary command shortcuts can't be acheived. Several contextual menu items aren't available to create a shortcut, even if you use the exact method other commands are written with.
I've been pestering the insidethefactory guys about this and other commands for a while now. Erik's put together a post about creating an ACAD-type customizable shortcut list, instead of the txt file.

If they would open all commands to a shortcut, the ribbon wouldn't be an issue for many people...

2009-11-03, 05:43 PM
Have you installed the Subscription Advantage Pack?
View - User Interface - Keyboard Shortcuts
Edit Family and others are there

2009-12-07, 04:23 AM
So with Update 3 i seem tobe able to add the edit sketch commands for most elements, EXCEPT floor and roof! Any ideas?

The SpeedyUI seems to be able to get it done