View Full Version : Phasing - 'New' floor cutting Existing wall

2009-08-11, 03:50 PM
Hi all,

I have a simple house project set up with only 2 phases - Origional + New Construction.

There is an extension section built on to an Origional building. This extension includes a floor which is cutting into and supported by an external wall on the Origional building.

In my 3D view which is displaying the Origional phase of the project, this external wall is being shown with this floor cut out of it - even though the floor hasn't been created yet (according to the phasing, and when the floor was created).

Why is this? Surely if the floor is New, it shouldn't cut the Existing wall???

A work around is to change the boundary of the floor to sit on the face of the wall rather than within the wall's core - but this goes against how I like to work and think of Revit as making a complete and realistic model.

Any help much apreciated :)

2009-08-11, 05:04 PM
In the original phase, try splitting the original wall at or just below the floor bottom, and in the new construction phase, demo that piece and replace it with another piece in the new construction phase.

It should show correctly then...

cliff collins
2009-08-11, 06:17 PM


2009-08-12, 08:41 AM
Thanks for that andrewg.

But that is just another kind of work around... The wall I demolish will now show in my demolished phase views - but in reality the wall wouldn't be demolished at all... Which kind of takes the entire point of phasing away : |

When I try this, it also just throws an error message at me - 'One element is completely inside another?

I seem to keep finding issues like this with phasing... Is there no way to actually get this to work as it should?

Any input welcome.

2009-08-12, 10:25 AM
When it comes to phasing objects, those objects cannot be different 'shapes' in different phases. It's why a New shaft creates a hole in Existing. It's why Joining a New object into an Existing object creates a void in the Existing object. It's why Rooms can't persist from phase to phase.

Currently, only windows and doors in walls have a built-in solution to the problem - when you demolish the window, an infill wall segment is automatically created. In all other situations, you must manually create seperate segments to remain and be demolished.

For your wall/floor situation, the only way to accurately represent the demolition and intersection is as follows:

Build 3 walls


walls 1 and 3 are built in Existing and are not demolished. wall 2 is built in Existing and demolished in New. Wall 2 is in exactly the same place as the New interscting floor.

You have to phase holes in existing floors the same way - two existing floors, one of which is demolished to create the hole. If you join all the parts together in the Existing phase, then you can't see the boundary lines, but it's a pain to modify the shape of the hole later on.

2009-08-12, 12:08 PM
Hi Tom,

wow... what a mission : |

Has this problem with phasing ever been brought up in 'wish lists' or general grumbles to Autodesk?!

I think this could definately be on the top of mine... Phasing could be so useful, if it was done right!

You need to be able to add modifications to phases somehow.

Could you not use the Opening tool for the hole in the floor problem?

Using an opening is the only way I've been able to get a modification to a roof to display with a demolished section.