View Full Version : Phasing - Wrongly rendering window as demolished

2009-08-12, 10:08 AM
Hi all,

Having lots of fun breaking Revits phasing system at the moment!

I am rendering a demolished view, and it looks great (origional building in 'clay' demolished parts in bright red) - but Revit is for some reason rendering a window in the demolished style, when the window is an existing component that isn't demolished at all...

Why?! What's it done now?! Any ideas how to fix it?!

Any help appreciated! : )

2009-08-12, 02:53 PM
I also have a window on the other side of the building which IS demolished, but renders as existing!

2009-08-12, 03:14 PM
I also have a window on the other side of the building which IS demolished, but renders as existing!

I don't have an answer for you, besides maybe delete the window and re-insert it. But, I would triple check the settings of that instance. I know this may be counter productive, but have you also tried to slide the window down the wall? For some reason, it may think it is being demolished, because it is in the vicinity of something else that is being demolished (I don't think this is true though).

I hope this helps,

Jeff S.

2009-08-13, 08:29 AM
Hi Jeff,

Thanks for the input - I'll give re inserting and nudging things about a go!

Fingers crossed...

2009-08-13, 08:47 AM
Okie dokie...

Managed to fix one!

I changed the window type first - the new type rendered fine. When I changed back to the original type - It was still broken.

I moved it around the wall a bit - Still broken.

Deleted it, and re-inserted it - Still broken...

So, I made a duplicate of the window type that was rendering as demolished (when it was totally UN demolished), and changed only this problem window to the new type.

The original type remained on other windows which were to be demolished, but the new type on this problem window seems to have sorted it out (for some reason).

Why is always WORKAROUNDS with Revit?!

2009-08-13, 08:59 AM
This technique worked with the other problem window also (which was being shown as UN demolished when it should have been demolished)

It seems to be something to do with the view being rendered having multiples of the same type of window, and then some of these being demolished and others not.

Any ideas why?

2009-08-13, 10:49 AM
are you sure it isn't just a phase filter selection that could be doing this to you? Have you tried setting the phase filter to complete, to show the completed building instead of filtering new or existing?

2009-08-13, 12:01 PM
No other filters show the previous (existing building) with the demolished elements.

The elements show fine in any normal view - only when rendered does the problem arise.

The work around has worked - it'd be good to know why it was happening though...

2009-08-13, 12:10 PM
Interesting. Possible bug perhaps?

2009-08-13, 02:52 PM
Maybe... I tend to find at least 3 "bugs" a day though :D