View Full Version : Calibrate a scanned map in Architectural Desktop

2004-11-08, 03:16 AM
Would there be one who knows how to calibrate a scanned map in Architectural Desktop without a tablet? I have already scanned the map and inserted it into my drawing as an image file. I now want to trace it on screen but I need to calibrate it first.
Thank you in advance.

2004-11-08, 11:38 AM
Pleae note, I've moved this thread to the Raster Design General forum as I felt this post was more applicable to that program.

2004-11-08, 12:55 PM
Assuming that the scan is not distorted, we usually find a distance we know (grid to grid, a dimensioned distance, etc) and do a scale reference where we pick the intersections of two grids and then type in the distance (500', 1000' or whatever). This brings the drawing up to full size.