View Full Version : Temp. Files Error

2009-08-12, 04:10 PM
I've been having this error for several weeks now (View Attachment). Due to this error I am unable to synchronize to my central file and it slows my productivity big time cause I keep having to reboot. I have plenty of space on my hard drive( 54 G) and I've tried cleaning out my Windows Temp folder and defragmenting my hard drive.

Has any other user seen this error or knows where else to resolve this problem ?

will take any kind of suggestions! Thanks

2010-03-22, 05:27 PM
Yes, we are having that same problem! 11.5 GB of space and still can't create a local file. Anyone have a solution?

2010-03-22, 05:34 PM
if you do have enough free space (e.g. 11.5gb) on c: and still no dice
it could be a couple of problems

incorrect permissions for directory (e.g. you (or the program) doesnt really have write access to the directory in question


note that the TMP might not the same as the TEMP (unless it really is, under environmental variables) - to check this

start+break (or goto my computer, right click properties)
environmental variables

start+break (or goto my computer, right click properties)
advanced system settings (left column)
environmental variables

other than that, you might need to reboot (if you havent) that would fix random revit errors either do to too much memory use or memory leak causing revit to not work properly

Scott Womack
2010-03-22, 05:35 PM
Just because you have 54 Gig free, doesn't mean it is contiguious free space. Try Defragging your hard disc to see if this makes it go away. I have seen 100 gig of free space broken up so that no one piece was larger than 1 to 2 gig. Revit cannot make a swap file that "skips" over an area used by some other program. It can only use continuous free space.