View Full Version : Floor Pattern Layout

Jun Austria
2009-08-13, 01:36 AM
I'm doing my first "Floor Pattern Layout" in Revit. I'm using marble material for the floor.
So I drop all the images in the drafting view for legend. My question is...
How to reflect the material image in the Floor Pattern Layout? Can't seem to find any option in the filled region in RAC2010 or in RAC2009.

Scott Womack
2009-08-13, 10:24 AM
I'm doing my first "Floor Pattern Layout" in Revit. I'm using marble material for the floor.
So I drop all the images in the drafting view for legend. My question is...
How to reflect the material image in the Floor Pattern Layout? Can't seem to find any option in the filled region in RAC2010 or in RAC2009.

You may need to provide some additional explanation, otherwise this ends up being just a guess....

You state you placed "images" in a legend. Does this mean JPG files? If so you are out of luck. You cannot place "images" in place of patterns or hatch patterns in Revit. Images will on/y appear when the view is rendered.

You need to place squares of Filled Regions in your Legend, and make the Legend view the same scale as the majority of the plans the patterns will appear on; 1/8" floor plans, the legend will need to be 1/8" scale as well, if the patterns are drating patterns versus model patterns.

2009-08-13, 02:10 PM
If this is a floor pattern layout using images of actual floor materials, that sounds like a job better suited for Illustrator or the like.

Jun Austria
2009-08-13, 02:29 PM
Yes Scott. The images in my legends are "JPG". I guessed you are right Patrick. I might export the plans to Illustrator and insert the patterned image there and export the whole plan with the pattern back to Revit as jpg and place it into a sheet. This should be a built in feature by now. :-(

cliff collins
2009-08-13, 02:36 PM
We do it like this:

Create actual Floors in Revit, with each individual pattern as a separate Floor
with its corresponding Material and surface pattern, to generate a "schematic"
or "symbolic" representation of the floor's geometric and material layout.

These Floors are on their own workset, and are in the Interior Design model,
which is linked into the Shell and Core model. They are raised slightly above the
floor slab, which is in the Shell and Core model.

If we need a photorealistic view of the actual floor materials, we turn off the roof/ceilings
or use a scope box, and orient the view to Top--then render--which produces an image which can then be placed on a sheet--scaled and overlayed into position. ( We rarely need
to do this.)


2009-08-13, 06:09 PM
Yes Scott. The images in my legends are "JPG". I guessed you are right Patrick. I might export the plans to Illustrator and insert the patterned image there and export the whole plan with the pattern back to Revit as jpg and place it into a sheet. This should be a built in feature by now. :-(

It sounds like you're creating a presentation drawing, and not a drawing for your construction documents for the contractor to use. Is that correct? If so, I would still just do it in Illustrator or some other program more oriented to working with raster images. I would either do it as you said (save whole plan as JPG then bring back into Revit to put on a sheet) or I would create an Illustrator-version of the title block and keep the whole thing there.