View Full Version : Title line references the wrong sheet

2009-08-13, 09:06 PM
I have a many sheet that are referencing the wrong views on other sheets.

I have dropped a Plan view onto a sheet but the sheet title line once dropped says that this plan view was cut from an elevation view?

I have no clue to why my title lines are referensing wrong.

any ideas?


Scott Womack
2009-08-14, 10:07 AM
I have a many sheet that are referencing the wrong views on other sheets. I have dropped a Plan view onto a sheet but the sheet title line once dropped says that this plan view was cut from an elevation view?

You didn't provide much information. I assume you mean they are referencing BACK to the wrong sheets? That means you are using a title that has the lower number, or part thereof referencing back to the sheet where the view reference "appears"?

I cannot answer why an image references back to an elevational view for sure. Using this system every view will carry infor on where its reference FIRST appears from. The major problem is that the ability ti hide an element in a view is consideded in effect an instance parameter. Therefore if a section appears on Sheet 100, and 101, and you hide it in sheet 100, you "assume" the reference would change. Unfortunately that is wrong. IT will still show the 100 sheet. Hiding that reference in a view, because of the instance issue does not affect the "type" based sheet it is reference from. You would have to temporarily remove the plan from sheet 100, and save once, to get the section view reference to change. Then you can put the plan back on sheet 100, and it won't switch back. (Not sure if it remains fixed if you seriously change the extents of the view.)

This may or may not have helped. Good Luck!

2009-08-14, 02:01 PM
Scott, as always thanks for your thoughts and advice.

Not much info from me because I don't know where to start. And you assumed right with my situation

Your message was a little confusing too, but after reading it a few times, I am catching your drift.

The hard part is that I did not create these files. I am just the support and have to come in after the fact and try to figure out what the heck is going on. So not being familiar with the project adds an extra (what the?) to my situation. I have to figure out there ryme and reason for doing things.

I was really fishing with my post to see if anyone else is experiancing the same problem so I had a starting point.

I have just found out this morning that we have (3) projects doing the same thing with different users, so I am wondering if we have a technique wrong or if there is a seriouse bug in Revit 2010.


cliff collins
2009-08-14, 02:06 PM
Go to the plan view, right click, and select "find referring views"

A list should appear--what does it say?

Plans are generally generated from:

1. Creation of Levels

2. Callouts from other Plan Views

I have never seen a Plan View generated from an Elevation? How would this be possible?



2009-08-14, 02:18 PM
Another thing that was done was

When they cut section views they used "Reference other views" like it was candy (meaning a lot). Not sure if this might be the cause.

Collin, just read your post

I have never seen anything like this either (I am not saying that the plan view was generated from an elvation but the view tag refers back to the elevation) Like the tag is looking in the wrong place. But trueth be told I am not sure what the heck it is doing.

Right now I am just fishing for info and fresh thoughts.

Thanks guys

Scott Womack
2009-08-14, 08:41 PM
The floor plan view title will reference an elevation/elevation sheet. This is because that is the first location in the set, where the Level line that the plan was created from will "appear." Although in terms of normal architectural convention, this is wierd, in terms of program logic, it is actually working correctly (to a programer, not to an A or E).

cliff collins
2009-08-14, 09:10 PM

Good explanation.

You have hit a major disconnect with Revit squarely on the head!

Programmer logic - VS - Architects who actually design buildings with the software!


2009-11-03, 04:40 PM
I am mostly saying the same thing Scott said but in a different way.

It all seems to be linked to the sheet number. The sheet with the lowest number that has a section, elevation or callout tag refering to a detail will be considered the referring sheet. It doesn't matter if it was the original detail or just referring to an existing detail.

We have had a lot of cases where a wall section will be originally cut as a callout in a building section sheet (A-301). Then later someone will go back to a floor plan sheet (A-101) and cut a section referring to the wall section created in A-301. Now, since the floor plan sheet is the lower number Revit now considers that the referring view and will change the tag from A-301 to A-101.


2009-11-23, 06:24 PM
I am having the same issue with views & referencing floor plans in the set. My demolition plans happen to be the first floor plans in the set of sheets (sheets A2.1 & A2.2). So now, my NEW building sections (in the new addition) are all referencing the main floor demo plans instead of the addition main floor plan (sheet A2.3). The extents of the view is pulled over far enough so that you can see the existing and how we are tieing in to existing and there is no way around that.

The only way around it I've found is to remove the view from the sheet. Doing this updates the referencing view to the appropriate floor plan, then i have to hide all the sections on the demolition plans, then re-place them on their sheets. If I don't hide the sections first, the numbers just change back when I put the views back on the earlier sheets. But the issue is I have to see the sections on the demolition plans but I don't want them to reference those plans. So what am I supposed to do? Even if I hide the view on the demo plan and then re-draw the sections using "reference other view", the building sections (with the appropriate referencing views) updates to the numbers that I don't want them to be. If that makes sense...

Is there no way around this? This is really becoming a big issue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2009-12-02, 09:04 PM
We have the same problem - a plan drawing referencing back to a building section view. The only thing I know of is to paste text over the reference. Not good.

2009-12-02, 09:11 PM
I'd be very interested in finding out what is causing this....
Can you "Saveas" your file and post it here please?