View Full Version : Things in Revit 7 that you didn't think you'd use much, but now find invaluable...

2004-11-08, 07:26 PM
OK, so two big things I've found myself constantly using that I didn't think I would are the new 'nudge' feature & the Scale tool. I seriously didn't think that the 'nudge' thing was a big deal, but boy does it make cleaning up notes and the like a nice an easy and fast task. It's also cool 'cause it's dependent on your snap, so it's Dependant on your zoom level- so you really can just 'nudge' stuff around quickly...

And being able to scale linework and sketches when making things like detail bits and filled regions has been a real life-saver. I had to make a better tree, and was having issues with the Detail Component I was using as a plan stamp scaling correctly. So I was just able to use the scale command until I got it right... That would have been rather painful before in 6.1!

What other features new in Revit 7 are you guys now finding are really helping your work that you didn't think would?

2004-11-08, 11:48 PM
Handles on everything that I used to have to go into edit mode for.
(Actually, I new I would use this a bunch, but I like it alot) B)

2004-11-09, 01:39 AM
Over-ride silhouettes in CD elevations. Magic !

2004-11-09, 01:52 AM

How Magic :?:

Haven't had a chance to look into this yet, but I was wondering if this option will make flush line between, for instance, floors and walls disappear on elevation views?

2004-11-09, 02:33 AM
Nooo, but Join Geometry will do that ( if wall and foor are the same material ).

And, of course, our old friend, the linework tool, will remove that line if you wish.

2004-11-09, 04:06 AM
I love the shadow tool. That sure makes things seem more realistic. And I also love al the blue lines in the property boxes and being able to place parameters in whatever part of the properties. I could go on!!


2004-11-09, 04:29 AM
Bummer :(

Can't resist butting in to ask the great Revit Developer in the sky if he couldn't inspire those at programming central to perhaps make Silhouettes only display between surfaces that offset >1/8" or angle >1 degree (something to like that), should such a thing be possible.

2004-11-09, 11:50 AM
Notice that the Section and Detail numbers number correctly in the browser now!! - and don't start at 87 or whatever!! The handles and the nudge commands are great, as are the 2D and 3D selection on Ref Planes. :D

The real time shadows will be fantastic when they start working (as intended) next Friday - probably Saturday here - but who is counting? :D

One for the wishlist - that the sun (rays) penetrate or are viewed as active from the exterior when impacting on materials that have been selected as "Transparent" :idea: At the moment we need to change the visibility of glass and fabrics to interpret the penetration analysis and its effect on the internal space.

And finally, I know that some of us miss the "Hide Permanently" selection in the 'Hide/Isolate' (Blue Glasses button). :sad:

2004-11-09, 12:52 PM
When you re-load a family that is already in the project, there is now a check box to allow you to override the existing parameters!

2004-11-09, 02:56 PM
And finally, I know that some of us miss the "Hide Permanently" selection in the 'Hide/Isolate' (Blue Glasses button). :sad:

Under the view menu there are 2 commands:
Category Invisable VH
Other Categories invisable VI

These are what you are missing. Since they are not temporary they were moved apart from the Temp/Hide/Isolate command.

Wes Macaulay
2004-11-09, 04:36 PM
Under the view menu there are 2 commands:
Category Invisable VH
Other Categories invisable VI

These are what you are missing. Since they are not temporary they were moved apart from the Temp/Hide/Isolate command.Oohooo! That's cool... thanks for that!

2004-11-09, 05:26 PM
Use the <Not Silhouette> linework style to get rid of unwanted silhouettes.

2004-11-10, 12:19 AM
(Echo on) . . . Oohooo! That's cool (echo off) . . . that's perfect, thanks for the tip!!

2004-11-10, 12:35 AM
When placing views on sheets ..... couldn't live without the nudge tool now. ( nudge , nuge, wink, wink, know what I mean ... say no mooore. )

2004-11-10, 12:55 AM
(Echo on) . . . Oohooo! That's cool (echo off) . . . that's perfect, thanks for the tip!!
Sure. You meant to say thanks for thinking ahead and implementing this, right? ;-)

2004-11-10, 05:25 AM
Yeah, forgot to mention that cool little tool - thanks FK.

Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, ... but one problem I'm having is that when I silhouette an elevation or section, often there may be an element like a timber batten screen in the view, which also gets the "treatment ". Thats fine, except it looks like a solid black fill, what with all those lines close together. I'm wondering if we could get an option to select such elements by area / filter so that then the entire area can be made < Not Silhouette >. At the moment they isn't any other way than by picking each of the lines - very laborious.

Use the <Not Silhouette> linework style to get rid of unwanted silhouettes.

2004-11-10, 06:18 AM
Hey- just thought of another. The new (well, new to Revit, it's been in other Autodesk products forever) Network Deployment thing is great. Everyone loved that we could roll Revit out, paths, content, and all, just by having them double-click a shortcut...

2004-11-10, 12:15 PM
You betcha Fedor . . . making sure your thinking ahead . . . and you are!! :D And thanks for the tip because I would not have found it otherwise!!! :D

2004-11-10, 02:54 PM
The scale tool falls in the category of things I DID know I would use much!

How about the toolbars in the lower corner of the individual view window? Scale, Detail Level, Model Graphics Style, Crop Region, etc. This alone makes 7.0 more than worth the upgrade!

2004-11-10, 06:52 PM
Maybe I missed it before but the <spacebar> to rotate/align components on placement.....LOVIN' it....great tool guys!

2004-11-10, 06:57 PM
actually, the spacebar on placement was there before, but now you can use it even after placement, which is great! :)

2004-11-10, 11:39 PM
Not to look a gift horse in the mouth, ... but one problem I'm having is that when I silhouette an elevation or section, often there may be an element like a timber batten screen in the view, which also gets the "treatment ".
Yeah, it would be less work to do them the old way. What category does that element belong to? Is it a family?

2004-11-11, 12:02 AM
Its an in-place family in this case.

Yeah, it would be less work to do them the old way. What category does that element belong to? Is it a family?

2004-11-11, 12:09 AM
Its an in-place family in this case.
Can't you tab to do linework on the entire element?

2004-11-11, 12:17 AM
I can now !

Wow and thanks, ... didn't know I could that !

Is that new ? ( Or this this just another example of PEBKAC ? ) ( I suspect the latter. :Oops: )

2004-11-11, 12:20 AM
Love this feature:

On an imported .dwg, when selected, the ability to use the query command to find out what layer an element is on, by selecting that element.
No longer have to have acad running with the .dwg loaded in the background...

2004-11-11, 01:08 AM
Wow and thanks, ... didn't know I could that !

Is that new ?
Not really, I did it somewhere around 4.0. You can do linework on entire family instances since then.

I was going to blame the documentation folks, but no: "Linework on Whole Components" is in the help file loud and clear.

2004-11-11, 01:38 AM
help!?! we don't read no stinkin help ;)

2004-11-11, 02:12 AM
I was going to blame the documentation folks,

Are you absolutely sure there's no one else I can blame for not knowing how the programe works ?? :)

2004-11-11, 06:34 PM
Are you absolutely sure there's no one else I can blame for not knowing how the programe works ?? :)
Lucky you - you can always complain the development is too fast. 8)

2004-11-16, 04:39 AM
I don't know if this has already been covered, and I am pretty sure this doesn't belong under the title "Things in Revit 7 that you didn't think you'd use much ...", but I do know that I just noticed that the mouse wheel now works beautifully. It's not jumpy, not skippy, just clear, clean zooming centered on the cursor.

Thank you!

Seriously. Thank you.

2004-11-16, 04:43 AM
We all love the new shadow feature, but in the new 11/14 build...I was printing a number of sheets, in draft/vector mode, and I had accidentally left the shadows on in my elevations.
Well, there was no lag in the queuing of the document, and it printed as if it was nothing more than
normal vector line drawing!

OH YEA FACTORY!!!!!!!!!!!

That smoked and will continue to rock in my universe!


(I hope I wasn't dreaming)

Chad Smith
2004-11-16, 06:11 AM
I can't agree with any speed performance when printing with shadows on, it's still slow and time consuming, but I did notice that it is printing in Vector Processing mode.

2004-12-09, 11:05 PM
I really must say that I just love this nudge tool. Well done Revit!!