View Full Version : Gridline Visibility

Dimitri Harvalias
2004-11-08, 08:17 PM
Is there any way to select multiple grid lines (or levels) and control their visibility (hide annotation in view) and locking property (in relation to other grids) all at once?
I'm working on a project with a large number of grids and levels and have numerous views. The time it takes to turn things on and off selectively is nuts. The other alternative would be to have a "not visible by default" option for levels and grids when they are created. This would be most applicable to levels created that are used for reference only and don't create plans.

J. Grouchy
2004-11-08, 08:24 PM
You could create separate worksets that would be turned on or off depending on the view...then grab a bunch and change them to the appropriate workset. I do that with my levels. I haven't quite got the knack for the scope box, so I don't know how useful those are to this situation.

I've been rooting for the option of hide/show multiple annotations in a view for a while now (versus individually selecting, right-clicking, etc. each annotation), but the powers that be apparently decided to hold off on implementing that for the latest release. I'm crossing my fingers for 7.1...