View Full Version : Now I Can't run Trial mode in 7.0

2004-11-08, 09:51 PM
Last week we were having problems with my comp so our tech guy reinstalled XP pro. When I reinstalled 7.0 it wouldn't let me run in the trail mode. It will only work in demo and wants to authorize it. Anybody have this problem? How do I get it to work again. I am stumped. I called tech support and they said there weren't handling 7 issues yet. PLEASE HELP! I can get any work done because the files that I am working on are v 7 files.

2004-11-08, 10:01 PM
I assume you've checked "Help-Product and License Information" and tried to switch between Demo and Standalone - Locked and you're not either trying to enter a serial number inthe Standalone - Locked mode or trying to Register your product? The HPLI window also lets you see how many days in your trial are left.

From what I've heard 7 isn't being supported until the official cd's come out in December. Good luck! :Puffy:

2004-11-08, 10:26 PM
This is the error I get.

2004-11-08, 10:38 PM
I wouldn't expect to see that until the trial subscription had expired. When your tech guy reinstalled Windows XP did he do a repair or a fresh build on a reformatted drive? Only reason I ask is I wonder if a simple reinstall without a reformat caused an error in the date/time stamp. What I'm trying to say is perhaps Revit thinks you've exceeded your 60 day trial period. These things happen when dealing with registry entries.

Unfortunately Autodesk isn't releasing authorization codes to anyone, product subscribers included, until the cd's ship in December. Our greatest fear in the office is dealing with what is happening to you. Not being able to use 7 and not having an authorization code after all the files have been converted. Would be nice if Autodesk could just e-mail the codes to Point A subscribers, we don't want the physical media, just the download and the authorization so we can get our FlexLM running again and sleep a bit more comfortably that everything is 5x5.

2004-11-08, 10:44 PM

Your predictions were correct. I was just on the phone with Revit support. They stated the same thing you had said. You can only install it once per comp. They are trying to resolve this problem as we speak. If I had known that then I would have waited to fix XP pro install. Oh well. Anyway thanks for the insight. I will post the results of my problem once resolved so if it happens to anyone else they can fix it. so with that I leave this important message: DON'T REINSTALL YOUR OS IF YOU ARE RUNNING 7.O. YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO REINSTALL IT BACK ON THAT MACHINE BECAUSE IT ONLY LETS YOU INSTALL IT ONCE!!!

2004-11-08, 11:45 PM
Revit support handled this very expeditiously for me.
Top notch indeed (Thanks Chris)

Hope you have the same luck


Doug Pearson
2004-11-09, 06:38 AM
Same problem here, only no reinstall of the OS occurred. Noticed yesterday that I had 2 days left all of a sudden. Thought it was some glitch I shouldn't worry about too much!! But today I have 1 day left. A few days ago after checking out 7 I thought it safe to use on a job. So now I have to put a trial on another computer to run it or I have a job I have to start again, in v6.1, not good.
Only reason we (meaning tech advice/supplier and I) can figure was an update of the virus software, haven't done anything else such as install software.
Guess it's a lesson- don't use it- just look at all those nice features we will get next month?

2004-11-09, 03:30 PM
Why not call Revit Tech Support?

(Like I said, they responded for me)

2004-11-09, 04:44 PM
They fixed it for me! Thanks to anybody that help me on this post. CALL TECH SUPPORT IF THAT HAPPENED TO YOU.

2004-11-09, 08:01 PM
Taylor can you let us know what Tech Support had you do to fix the problem? We've got one machine in the office that suddenly went in to 'expired trial period' mode this morning...with 47 days actually left in the trial. :screwy: I remember reading a couple others in here had similar issues....

Like everyone else we were holding our breath that Autodesk would get us authentication codes before the trial period expired and moved projects over to 7.0 in our excitement to play with the improvements.

Knock on wood it's only been one system to do this so far and cross our fingers that more don't lose their mind and kick us in to demo "I can't save' mode before we get the cd releases!

Anything experience you can relate would be appreciated!

2004-11-09, 08:06 PM
for the expired licenses as a last ditch effort have you tried changing the date on your clock back a couple days to see if you can still work?

2004-11-09, 09:10 PM
We haven't got there yet but I would expect that, like most date sensitive trial versions, the period is tracked by registry keys (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) rather than being tied to system time. That work around was great back in the day but developers were quick to catch on ;-) Find the right registry key and we might have a chance of fooling the software I suppose.

Besides, all our workstations synchronize with a server clock that updates its current settings with one of the atomic clock sites. An administrator could temporarily override the global network settings with a bit of work but local users are prevented by the domain group policies. Nothing like making our lives complicated! :grin:

2004-11-09, 09:18 PM
That used to be the solution when revit was month to month subscription and something went wrong with the license server. It was a pain, but let us save.

2004-11-09, 09:21 PM
Thanks for the advice!

2004-11-09, 09:28 PM
Taylor can you let us know what Tech Support had you do to fix the problem?


They gave me a serial # to enter then asked to email them the Request code. They then sent me a Authorization code which I entered. Problem solved!

2004-11-09, 09:47 PM
You managed to get a fully authorized code from the factory? Good on you! Nice to know Autodesk is succumbing to the pressure from licensed users to give up the goods. Thanks for the update Taylor we'll keep that in our back pocket in case our trials start heading south!

Doug Pearson
2004-11-10, 06:06 AM
All ok if you are in the US. It can't be done in Australia I am assured by the reseller, they checked with Singapore. So anyone in Aus- DON'T USE IT FOR A PROJECT!
Who knows what might stop it working before the cd arrives.
It would be a good idea to just release the next beta in 'Demo' mode only, then we (too eager) users don't end up in this predicament. Well outside the US anyway.

2004-11-10, 06:52 AM

Lets not over-react here. This problem happened when an OS was reinstalled. I'm sure that if any users in the Asia Pacific region had similar problems their reseller and Autodesk would sort it out as effectively as has happened for US users.

We've been happily using R7.0 since it was released and have no issues with it.

Doug Pearson
2004-11-10, 11:28 AM

Lets not over-react here. This problem happened when an OS was reinstalled. I'm sure that if any users in the Asia Pacific region had similar problems their reseller and Autodesk would sort it out as effectively as has happened for US users.

We've been happily using R7.0 since it was released and have no issues with it.

The resellers absolutely assure me they won't, 100% no go. I'm only quoting what I'm told. I'm not down on the release, it' s great but aussie users should know that if it causes trouble (and my problem wasn't a OS reinstall), you may lose the file(s). If an aussie has other experience or a reseller disagrees, fine - let us know. I'm now happy to wait and keep using 6.1.

2004-11-10, 03:14 PM
Doug's right BeeGee. There are two issues in this thread. The first issue was an OS reinstall, the second is some users have had occurances of trial period's unexplicably reverting to 7 days. We've seen this on one of 20 workstations in the office the 7.0 upgrade was installed on. No obvious reason, one morning it just happened. I suspect it's tied to other performance crashes we've had.

Either way, regardless of world locale, you'd think Autodesk support would be prepared to offer the appropriate support for their latest software release. Hopefully we won't have the same response in Canada, eh :???:

2004-11-10, 09:45 PM
Chunk, Doug, have either of you tried calling factory/tech support like I suggested three threads gone by? (respectfully requested). It's just that when someone proclaims something to be wrong, before they've exhausted the possibilities, esp. the first or second course of action that should have been taken....

If you pick up the phone, instead coming to the board (which is not "support") I think you will be floored by the level of response you receive. In fact, I'm backing their play 100%. They saved my butt spot on when I was running into a deadline at 100mph.

Big props go out to Chris at factory for his kind, understanding, quick professional response to my problem.

2004-11-10, 09:56 PM
The resellers absolutely assure me they won't, 100% no go. .
Doug, if you have a problem with R7.0 reverting to demo mode and getting close to expiry , running up against project deadlines, and your reseller is telling you that they will not help you, ... then I would most definitely be on the phone to Autodesk. And I'm confident I would get a quick response to fix the problem.

That's not a " corporate " AUGI line,BTW, just my experience with Autodesk Revit. ( Although I have never had anything but excellent service from my reseller. )

2004-11-11, 03:50 PM
BillyGrey, I have spoken with support as is my first course of action with all Autodesk problems. I've never had any problems with the subscription program in the northern hemisphere. Sounds like the south pacific is another issue entirely.

It's common knowledge "the board" isn't Autodesk support. Most of us realize it's an independent volunteer community and not an Autodesk-spawn. That's the real value of Augi, it's driven by users, those who are immersed in the software everyday. That's also what makes this forum such an attractive option for trying to find solutions. Invariably someone else has encountered the same situations and common knowledge is better than no knowledge.

There's a big difference between finding interim solutions tried and tested by others and waiting for support to provide an official fix. Time = money and while Autodesk subscription support has amazing response for the shear volume of it's scope, minutes are more valuable than hours when you're in a bind.

This resource is available so why not use it? Naturally, there's also a corporate culture that prevails responses to the 'tough questions' from Autodesk when it comes down to big questions....ie. has anyone actually received official comment from Autodesk that there is a specific speed issue in 7.0 and acknowledgment that a remedy is pending? It's like asking when Augi's Revit Exchange will go live...sorry guys!...some things can't be addressed by support so we turn to the experience of our peers for guidance. Hence this post and many others.

The official party-line from Autodesk is 7.0 license codes will not be issued until the cd's arrive in December, hence the panic when trial periods suddenly revert to 7 days. The response from support is when posed with the problem is:

Using 399-99999966 as the serial number please generate a request code and send it to us. We will use this to manually generate a trial activation code for your machine:

Open Revit
Go to Help->Product and License Information
Enter serial number found above
Pick Register
Pick Activate product and Next
Capture the request code information and send it to us

'nuff said.....

2004-11-11, 04:52 PM
...It's like asking when Augi's Revit Exchange will go live...sorry guys!...Watch it MISTER!! ;) Don't go there... 8-) At least we know it's on everyone's mind?

2004-11-11, 05:00 PM
It's like asking when Augi's Revit Exchange will go live...sorry guys!...
Darn to dream Arnold, dare to dream :beer:

2004-11-11, 05:14 PM
Hey Chunk,

Maybe my message came across incorrectly, like I said "requested respectfully".
I agree with you whole heartedly, the purpose this board serves, and forgive me for condescending :)

But I'll defend my position on these two scores:

Doug sent a warning to all the South Pacific users not to use the product...without any indication
he had ever checked the problem with Support. I simply backed Revit's play, and voiced my experience when I ran into this problem. In fact, I stated clearly, long before this became a point of contention, that all one had to do was contact Support. So that being said, the issue had been dealt with and voiced within this peer group, therefore, my question to you guys.

Second, time does equal money, and like I said, I was treated professionally, and expeditiously by Chris at factory when my issue arose. Where you left off in your thread above:

"Capture request code..."

I did, and emailed it, and had my authorization code within five-ten minutes tops. In fact, the whole process, from the time I contacted support, til I got the fix was probably twenty minutes. It was great. I hope you were treated likewise.

Anyway, lets have a beer sometime...

Bill Cooper

2004-11-11, 05:53 PM
:beer: and rejoice that our theatre is not the South Pacific! Sure the winters this far north are trying but it's warm inside huddled around our Revit boxes :D

Doug we sympathize with you! Fingers crossed the quality of Autodesk support is the same worldwide as what we experience in North America.

ps. cheers again to the gang for their continued efforts on the Exchange site! Our content contributions to the library will be e-mailed shortly.

Doug Pearson
2004-11-12, 04:05 AM
Hey Chunk,
Doug sent a warning to all the South Pacific users not to use the product...without any indication
he had ever checked the problem with Support.
Bill Cooper

Actually I did indicate that I had checked, as best I can. See my previous post. To clarify - I went through the reseller, who checked with the people who call the shots in this part of the world. I pay for their support and think it best to go through them so they know what's going on. I also presume they have much more pull with the powers that be than I do.

Anyhow, the problem may be fixed for me and I get good, if sometimes a little blunt, support here.
My advice still stands though, as expressly pointed out to me - 'it's a beta' [kind of] so don't expect it to work perfectly. Use with caution.
On a couple of jobs I was using v7 to do quick colour/shadow presentations, from 6.1 files,
which I went back to do the drawings with if needed. That sort of thing would be ok...if the trial period hadn't finished!!
