View Full Version : Revit 2010 Surface Hatch Problems

2009-08-19, 02:38 AM
In the projects im working on i have the roof material setup to apply a surface pattern so that in my elevations the Roof shows the correct hatching to match the roof type.

This has worked perfectly is previous versions of revit but since upgrading to 2010 revit seems to disply the roof hatch at a different line weight to the wall hatch. For example in the proejct im currently drawing the roof and walls are both clad with the same colorbond metal cladding and both the wall and the roof are displaying at different line weights even thourgh the are the same material the roof being lighter (almost halftone). Changing the colour or pattern does not seem to effect this nor can i find an overide in the object styles or graphic overide settings as it seems to occur when the patten is sloping away from the view plane.

I spose that i could apply a drafting region to each elevation but this would be very tedous as this is a large job with 7 seperate buildings.

I really need to figure out how to display the hatching in the same line weight.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

2010-08-30, 03:41 PM
I believe it is the angle of the element (in this case the roof plane). I have searched documentation and can't find anything confirming this behavior but it seems to be consistent with other elements as well (i.e walls).

Basically, any time the angle of an element's plane is greater than approximately 67.5 deg from the plane of the 2D view, Revit will automatically halftone the surface pattern. It's Revit's way of graphically denoting angled elements. If your roof was a 12:12 pitch you probably wouldn't notice the halftone.

For us it is a problem because it was printing way too light. And the inability to override the lineweight is an issue (i.e we can't make it any darker).

Any comments from Autodesk on the subject would be appreciated.