View Full Version : Linked door number and security arrow number

2009-08-19, 11:57 AM
Good morning everyone:

I got a question. I am doing the security door for a big hospital project. However, the security door has it's only number system. I need to connect them with the architectural door number. I try to use formula in the schedule to get the linked architectural door number, but I don't know how to combine it with security door number together. Anyone has the problem before? Do anyone know how to combine two different door number system together? I don't want to type the number one by one, because I do not truth my eye and finger. :)

Thanks for all your help!

2009-08-19, 01:24 PM
Sounds like you need to combine text and REVIT does not yet do that in formulas. There are some posts here at AUGI on Importing from Excel. Check this out: http://labs.autodesk.com/utilities/revit_rdb/

Perhaps you can manipulate the data outside Revit then bring it back in....

2009-08-19, 01:54 PM
Thanks for your quick reply. I will give it a try.