View Full Version : Materials

Revit for Breakfast
2009-08-19, 02:32 PM
I want to use a Dark Brown James Hardie Boad siding as a material for a render. But when i insert the photo as the render and bump material it looks like A$$. Attached is a Render and the original Material. Can anyone give me a nice dark siding image or post a file with a great siding I can make darker?

cliff collins
2009-08-19, 02:58 PM
The issue is not the jpeg map itself. It is the exposure/lighting that is causing the "yellowish" hue in the rendering. Try adjusting the exposure conrols,
and you should be able to arrive at a very realistic look.


Revit for Breakfast
2009-08-19, 03:01 PM
It's not exposure, its that the loaded image file is making little squares in the render. I need a clean material image.

2009-08-19, 03:05 PM
Thats called "tiling" you need to make a seamless texture out of your original jpg. You do this in photoshop. Just google for a tutorial on makeing seamless textures. Basically you just offset the image in the x and y, then use the clone tool to clean it up. However you might be better off making a flat board image with a bump map for the grain.

cliff collins
2009-08-19, 03:05 PM
Yes--try using a custom setting, around 300 dpi or higher.

What render settings were you using?

Try changing the material to a similar but different siding--see if you get the same results.
If so, it's not the map. If not--it's something about how the map is tiling.

What are the tiling values set to?

Do any of these questions/suggestions help.

( The exposure IS making it yellow.........)


2009-08-19, 03:14 PM
That image is also much lighter on one side than the other, which is going to automatically make it Tile. Use Scotts suggestion to fix that.

Curious- Are you exporting to Max or rendering right in Revit? The scale and orientation of the stone is all strange, and that looks like the default stone material. Did you edit it, or did it get whacked in translation to Max? Ive seen RAC2010 > FBX > Max2009 do that... Found out i had to use Max2010, lol... That, or its just your materials. :)

Revit for Breakfast
2009-08-19, 03:39 PM
That image is also much lighter on one side than the other, which is going to automatically make it Tile. Use Scotts suggestion to fix that.

Curious- Are you exporting to Max or rendering right in Revit? The scale and orientation of the stone is all strange, and that looks like the default stone material. Did you edit it, or did it get whacked in translation to Max? Ive seen RAC2010 > FBX > Max2009 do that... Found out i had to use Max2010, lol... That, or its just your materials. :)

I'm on Revit 2009. This company i'm at only has revit and autocad so I have to do everything Revit-Style, they won't spring for the other programs. The drawing i'm on is rather f'd up, all because of the way it was drawn (long story I can't share but it is done correctly) I split the face and applied materials in the 3D view so thats prolly the cause for the stone orientation. I can't do and photoshop as well. Does anyone have a seamless dark siding image they want to post?

cliff collins
2009-08-19, 03:45 PM
You can download Gimp for free--it will do everything PS does.

( BTW-- Tell management that 1 rendering will pay for PS Elements.......)

You will need photo-editing software if you are going to be doing pro-quality
renderings--period. For adjusting/creating materials/maps, and for fine tuning
images, adding background sky, entourage, etc.

I'll see if I can dig up a dark brown Hardie board map.......


Revit for Breakfast
2009-08-19, 05:08 PM

( BTW-- Tell management that 1 rendering will pay for PS Elements.......)

They Complain about $$ when I need plotter paper.