View Full Version : Adding the CleanupScales files to a 2010 deployment?

2009-08-19, 06:34 PM
Has anyone tried adding the three CleanupScales utility files to an AutoCAD 2010 deployment?

I tried doing this to save a couple steps during our upcoming 2010 rollout. I simply tried adding the files as "additional files" to an existing deployment, and the deployment creation process completes with no errors. Unfortunately, the deployment will no longer work once I add them!

When you try to run the deployment on a machine to install it, it stops with an error during the "copying files" stage (Internal Error 2602, followed by a long string that varies each time). In fact, once you add the three files for the utility, the deployment will never work again, even if you go back and remove the three files...had to completely rebuild a new deployment.

Always a glutton for punishment, I tried this a second time, with same results...deployment worked until files added, then never worked again, even once files were removed. I'm not sure why the conflict, since no default installed filenames conflict with these, and the other files I add cause no issues in a deployment.

Anyone else tried this, or perhaps have a workaround, or is it simply not possible? Not a real big deal...more curiosity at this point than anything else.

2009-08-19, 08:10 PM
I have not tried this exact thing, but I've been doing network deployments since the 2005 version I think, and I have found it's best to just create a stock OOTB deployment and post-process other things myself with a vbs or bat file.

2009-08-20, 08:23 PM
I didn't do this with the 2010 deployment yet, but I had no trouble doing this with our 2008 deployment.

2009-08-24, 08:31 PM
Well one workaround you could try is to pack the 3 files in a .exe file or .msi

Then in the setup.ini file of your deployment you add the following:

#==================== Install Execute & UI Sequence


#==================== REVIT Postrequisite
EXE_PATH=path\location of your .exe file

==================== REVIT


If your done it right Revit will install and right after your .exe will run..looks like a hassel but its just 4 or 5 changes to the setup.ini

2009-08-26, 05:19 PM
If your done it right Revit will install and right after your .exe will run..looks like a hassel but its just 4 or 5 changes to the setup.iniThe same approach could be used for AutoCAD deployments, of course, which is what the OP is doing. ;)