View Full Version : 3D Mouse and Revit

2009-08-21, 06:00 AM
I signed up to test drive a 3DConnexion Space Pilot - which is pretty cool - but it apparently does not work with Revit. So, my question is this: is it a matter of the 3d mouse being programmed by its creators to work with Revit, or is it a matter of Revit not being compatible with this type of mouse. If it is the later, then what is the explanation for that? And, is there a chance that will change?

Being that Revit is what I use primarily, it does not seem worth the cost to me, since my ACAD work is entirely two dimensional, and I see no real advantage in other programs that I use (Adobe products) since those are not "3D".

All comments welcome. thanks.

2009-08-21, 12:05 PM
I also signed for the test, but then read on these forums that it doesn't work with Revit, so I sent an e-mail to the company to cancel my request. This was the reply I got:

Thank you for your recent request to evaluate a professional 3D mouse from 3Dconnexion.

I regret to inform you that our devices are not supported by Autodesk Revit at this time. We are working in close partnership with Autodesk to ensure our products are supported by Autodesk in the future. Because Autodesk values customer feedback, you may also want to inform them of your desire for Revit support of our 3D mice.

Please use this URL to contact them by email (click on the “Email” link in the upper right corner).

We do, however, support an extensive list of Autodesk applications.

We appreciate your support!

2009-08-21, 12:46 PM
I almost signed up for it, but then I looked at the price. I spent $80 on a vertical mouse to help my wrist. I thought that was over priced.

2009-08-24, 09:22 PM
I also signed for the test, but then read on these forums that it doesn't work with Revit, so I sent an e-mail to the company to cancel my request. This was the reply I got:

Did you contact AutoDesk with that email? If yes, did you get a reply?
I have to say the 3D mouse is pretty cool - not unlike flying a plane (in a video game) - but I only used it in a demo which they provided. I can see how it would facilitate faster working in the 3D views...

2009-08-24, 09:35 PM
I've talked to 3DConnexion and Autodesk about this (I have a 3DConnexion Traveler). 3DConnexion tell me that they cannot write a driver for their devices until Autodesk puts "hooks" into Revit that will allow them access to the 3D navigation.

2009-08-25, 08:45 AM
I have a 3D mouse which I used with sketchup (pre Revit days) and it was amazing to work with. I spent years of my childhood making models and painting them. Nothing like having a model in your hand and being able to position it for your paintbrush (rather than the other way round) and when I needed to do a little detail, I'd bring it up to my eye. The mouse feels every bit as intuitive as you bring a point of the model into your focus. My only concern is that sketchup is very intuitive and lends itself to to that process (you work entirely in 3D). Revit is a different beast and it's hard to know whether it would work without trying it.

However, if it's a free trial, I fully recommend you get the mouse and try it with sketchup and it's awesome fun with google earth too!

2009-08-25, 08:55 AM
The 3d connexions space mice are superb with 3DS Max also.

In fact they work with most 3D capable software apart from Revit.

I have a space explorer mouse I bought last year and it is fun with Google Earth but genuinely useful with 3DS Max Design 2010.

2009-08-25, 03:49 PM
I've talked with both 3D Connexion and Autodesk over the past couple of years about getting the hardware supported in Revit. The discussion led to Autodesk saying that they want to support it, but that it isn't a priority on their development list. Maybe someday.

2009-08-25, 03:55 PM
I've talked with both 3D Connexion and Autodesk over the past couple of years about getting the hardware supported in Revit. The discussion led to Autodesk saying that they want to support it, but that it isn't a priority on their development list. Maybe someday.
I'd be interested as to what is on their development list. Maybe next year we can get another new cool looking, but non-functional GUI. Followed by new colors or something. Personally I think it'd be great if for just one version, they went back and fixed the stuff the doesn't work, created functional families, and set up revit to build the model they way it should (ie bottom up, not top down) Maybe they could support PDF writers, and multicore processors (fully, not half way). While a 3D mouse would be nice, I'd rather see a program the functions correctly first.