View Full Version : Problems with CAD Importing - Revit 2010

2009-08-21, 03:39 PM
Has anyone received this message when trying to import a CAD file into a Revit 2010 model?

"Revit cannot import <file name> because it will create a Revit model that is larger than 2 miles across. This can cause inaccuracies and instabilities. Either select a different import units setting or adjust the project size before importing."

At first, I thought it was a problem with the CAD file, but then I tried another CAD file, and received the same message. Neither of these files are anywhere near 2 miles long, and I have tried different import units settings and placing options, to no avail..


2009-08-21, 04:01 PM
If you are importing center-to-center, then the origin in the cad file is more than 2 miles aways from the origin in the revit file. try importing origin-to-origin, or relocating the content of the cad file to 0,0,0 before importing to revit.

might work...

2009-08-21, 07:13 PM
that error message must be new or at least recently new. I was working on a project where the cad file was created off a site plan and the 0,0 was 420 miles a way. When imported, it would do it, but you couldn't ever trace a line over the imported cad file. As soon as we moved the cad file to be close to 0,0, everything worked just fine.
My suggestion, (and this goes for plain old acad as well) never have a cad file with a 0,0 more than a few few from a point on the building. Move the xref on the site plan, not the building in the x-reffed cad file.