View Full Version : 2010, 2D DWG Export Problem, messy output

2009-08-24, 12:33 AM
I am having a problem with exporting clean 2D DWG hidden line drawings of some plan/section/elevation views . The project displays and prints properly in all Revit 2010 views. When I export the 2D drawing, I get a poor result where the hidden lines are not drawn properly...

I have attached 2 images. One is a hidden line view displayed in Revit. The geometry is clean. The other is the 2D DWG output. Note how the hidden lines are drawn properly...there is some overlap as if they were a wire frame view.

Parts of the Revit model are imported using *.sat. I hope this doesn't make a difference when getting 2D line drawings from the model...

I have not seen a thread on this... any thoughts would be appreciated.


-Nathan Miller